hey everyone welcome today we will learn about the top 10 Advanced data analytic tips and tricks in Excel that's said if these are the type of blogs you'd like to watch then hit that like And subscribe buttons and the bell icon to get notified just for a quick info if you want to upskill yourself and master data analytics skills to land your dream job or growing your career the new must explor and clearance Cod of various data analytics programs simply learn office postgraduate programs from Pur University in collaboration with IBM through this program you will gain knowledge and workr expertise and skills like prescriptive and protective analytics regression classification and over a dozen others that's not all you also get the opportunity to work on multiple projects and learn from industry experts from Top Tire product companies and academic from top universities after completing these courses thousands of Learners have transitioned into a data analytics role as a fresh AR or moved onto a high being job profile if you are passionate about making your career in this field then make sure to check out the link in the pin comment and description box below to find a data analytics program that fits your experience and areas of Interest now without further delay let's get started so now we are on the Excel sheet and you can see that in this particular Excel sheet we have some student details we have the serial numbers names role numbers class blood group and some subjects like math science computer statistics social GK and the final marks obtained percentage and total marks right so let us imagine that uh a company has come for an interview so all these students are going to attend an interview and uh the minimum percentage to attend the interview will be like 75% so you can see that we have 75 here and all the students have got above 75 except for the one student which is Mike right so for Mike to attend the interview he needs 75 percentage or above so uh he can make some modifications in one of these subjects right so there is always an exam after the exam called as Improvement exam so if you can like to score some extra marks in the subjects which you have scored less so that you can make up to the percentage what you're expecting you can do that so here in this particular sheet uh Mike has six subjects right and in six subjects you can see he has codes of in 6 91 45 71 94 and 62 so out of these he have scored Less in one subject compared to all the subjects one subject is really low that is computers so what if he can give an improvement exam and increase his percentage to 75 right so that can be done so we can do some root Force methods like we can change the marks like 55 and then check this particular one so it's getting 74 right so using the brute force method will be a little bit lengthy so you can do this because it is just a small uh table which has least number of data and you just have one single cell to modify so that can be done in small tables but what if you had some table with hundreds of rows or thousands of rows that'll be time consuming right so for that we have some inbuilt functionality in Excel that is called goal seek in Excel so now let's eliminate the marks here so we have eliminated the marks and the upgraded percentage is 65 now we need the target as 75 okay so let's uh write it as Mike's Target right we need mic so Mike's new Target as 75 [Music] okay now to make sure that we need a Mark here which can get mic to 75 percentage we will use the data operation so here on the toolbar which has file home insert Etc we have one other option called as data so when you click on data from toolbar you'll have this ribbon and in this ribbon we have various options so when you come into forecast group we have an option called what if analysis when you click on vtif analysis you'll have a set of options out of which we have goal seek now for goalseek we need to select a table cell that is this particular table cell that is M9 so we need the value 75 here right so what is the cell that you need to change here for that you need to select this one and select this particular cell here right and now you can select okay now you can see that Excel has automatically run all the permutations and combinations and has come up with a number so that the overall percentage of mic will be 75% right so the expected marks that Mike should be getting in his computer's Improvement exam should be equal to 56 or greater than 56 to get the final Target as 75 so that he can attend the company's interview so this is how we use goal set or goal seek in Excel now let's quickly get onto the Practical mode where we will have some data sets over which we will be trying to apply the charts now there are various types of charts in table and those are the pie chart the column chart the bar chart column versus line pavier chart and Spark line charts so we will discuss one after the other first let us discuss about the pie chart so as you you can see we have a small data set on my screen which I have personally created and uh this deals with the companies and this deals with the shares of the automobile industry so now for this let's create a pie chart select all the data and then get into the toolbar and inside the toolbar you can see various options and inside that we're going to use the insert option and when you select the insert option you will have a ribbon here and inside the ribbon you can see groups tables illustrations addin and here you go these are the charts so now we needed a pie chart so select on that icon and you have various types of pie charts you have two dimensional pie charts three dimensional pie charts donut type of charts Etc right so I would like to go with the three-dimensional pie chart as it looks a little more appealing and easy to understand and now there you go this is the title of the chart and these are the legends of the chart and this is the chart area and these are the values now we can uh you know kind of add the data labels as well so you can just have to press the plus icon over here and you'll have the options you can add the data labels which will give you a lot more interesting values and uh you can also turn this around as you can see we on double clicking any part of the pie chart you'll get this option which is called as format at data point and uh let's imagine that you wanted to show the information related to this particular one which is Volvo which has the biggest share so this is in front right now now what if you wanted to show the information related to data which is over here right for that you can select this particular Arrow key and you can just twist it and there you go it is coming in front this will be uh a great way of presenting your data to your clients right yeah and there is another option where you can directly explode this like you can pick it out you can see this right Point explosion where you can split it out and you can show that especially like you can highlight it and show it so that's the you know a great way of presenting your data so that's how you can work with pie charts in Excel now let's quickly move to the next one that is the column chart and in the column chart we have the data related to some company and uh the profits of that company based on a so you can see that the year has started from 2008 and it has gone until 2021 and these are the profits of that company year after year so since we are dealing with column chart I'll tell you the simplest way to create a column chart there is a shortcut key for that which is alt F1 and there you go you have the chart right on your screen now you can uh expand the chart just by dragging it like that and you can see that there is some problem with this chart that is we have numbers here instead of ear right you can see that the First Column is the ear which is 2008 to 2021 but here you can see we have 1 2 3 4 which is not proper right so to change the axis that is you can see the axis which is 1 2 3 4 from 1 2 3 4 to the ears 2008 2009 2010 11 Etc you just have to make one change here and also you can see I have pressed the plus icon over here which will open the option where you can include the access titles if you have and data labels everything right so for now I think I'll keep it as it is so you can include the data table as well as it is here and you can include that in the chart there are various options that Excel provides you so now let's uh focus on changing the axis from 1 2 3 4 to the ears for that you need to select the chart design and inside the chart design you have an option called select data press that and here you have various set of options you can see profits you can see ears now we'll select ears and we will remove that and now you can see the edit option here right select that and now it will ask you which column to be selected for the access ring for that let's select this and now let's select the ears here and press okay and there you go again press okay so there you go you have the ears over here instead of the numbers which you had in the first place so that's how you create the column chart and we have the next type of chart which is really simple now you know you kind of change this chart directly into bar chart there is no big deal in that so uh for that you just need to select the change chart type option over here you're just changing the chart type and you can get the bar graph over here column and bar graphs are completely same to each other only that you can see these uh bars in the horizontal way rather than in the vertical way let's do that let's not create a new thing for that so uh yeah there you go when you select the change chart type option you have various set of chart type options on the menu bar over here so what we needed was the bar chart now let's select that and there you go let's select okay and you have the bar chart right and you if you want you can include the data labels which look a little bit more interesting you can also include the data table as well okay for now I think we have to expand the chart to get the Clear View yeah that's how you do it right now let's move into the next type of one yeah we dealt with the bar chart so we'll directly enter into the column versus line chart so we have similar kind of data we just had year and profits in the previous part now we also have included the expenses right we needed another column to showcase the line chart compared to the columns right so for that I've included a new column that is expenses as well now just let's select the data and let's select the option alt F1 to create our chart right now automatically uh Excel has provided us the column chat we have The Columns of expenses we have the column of profits and we also have ear now let's change the data as we did before select uh here and remove it and then edit select edit and select the ear that is from here to 2021 select okay and we have the ears over here now what we needed to do is change the chart type right select the change chart type option and since we wanted to create a column versus line chart it is a combination whenever you want one or two types of charts included in one single chart window then it has a combo option so here we need to select the combo option and inside that we have various types of combination charts we have clustered column we have clustered line on secondary axis we have clustered stat area clustered colum and the other one is custom combination so let's go with the first one that is clustered line let's select that and there you go we have the line graph with the column so that's how we create the column versus line and and if you want you can include the data labels and you can include the data table as well yeah okay I think uh we need to expand the canvas a little more to get a clear view yeah so you have Legends over here you have the data labels and access everything and chart title you can always change the chart title so for now let's uh rename it as Pro profits versus expenses yeah that's that's how it goes done okay I think I made a spelling mistake here yeah it's clear now now the next type of chart we're going to deal with is the P chart so uh we have dealt with P chart column chart bar chart and column versus line now P chart is a little bit different it's like you're going to create some active chart which responds to the variations you're making to your data so to understand that better let's create a practical chart over here I select all the data okay yeah I have selected the data now to create a pivot chart let's select the insert option from the toolbar and inside the ribbon we have charts group and inside that we have PIV chart now let's select the P chat option and there you go now it's asking for range and we have selected the range over there and uh we are not going to create a new worksheet for the entire chart we are going to create the uh chart inside the existing worksheet itself so for that let's select the uh area where we want to select the uh chart to be present now for that let's select this and yeah select okay okay there is some error let's cancel this and try again let's select the data and preview chart again we have selected the range yeah that's how you select the range and now select the position where you want to create it existing worksheet we have selected that and press okay yeah that's that's the way we've got our P chart over here and you can see our P chart is completely blank right now it will respond to the changes you make to your P chat for now we have uh serial numbers and uh these are the names of the guys who have okay so these are the names of the guys you who have some dealerships for various car makes such as Ford Ferrari Honda Kia Alpha Romeo BMW etc etc so uh we're going to change or we're going to see um you know we're going to make some charts of the persons who own the cars or the car brands or dealerships in various regions so we're going to work on that now let's drag in the name and uh let's drag region and cards and the units yep so we have our uh chart over here column chart which has the different different names and the dealerships and some of cars over there right so you can see that we can also change some values over here what if we wanted to know only uh the details regarding Jennifer you can do that you can unselect everything and you can just select Jennifer and press okay now you'll have the details of only Jennifer of having the car brands so we have the regions as well so Jennifer owns dealerships in two different regions that is South and West and uh the sum of units and count of cars as well so that's how the PV charts are used in real time and now let's select sales and drag the sales as well yeah it's been dragged and you have the sales of U Jenifer the details of her sales and let's move the chart a little bit and you have the plus icon where you can include the data labels for a better information yeah so that's how you use the P charts so we are on the last type of charts which is the spark line chart Now to create a spark line chart we need to get into the insert option and inside we have the ribbon and inside the ribbon we have the group that is spark lines now to generate a spark line chart we need to select this particular column and then select the type of spark line you want to create for now let's create the column type of spark line chart yep we have to Club these cells together first we for got that because we're going to insert the spark line chart right above here now for that let's merge the cells [Music] yeah so uh we wanted to create the spark line chart of column type and now it's asking for the location where we want to create the spark line chart so this is the location now let's select okay and there you go we have the spark line chart right over here now you can see that we have a negative Point here so if you want you can change that from negative to positive and it will automatically update that and if you want to add the axis ACC to this particular chart you can select the options Park line and there you go you have certain options like High Point low point and if you wanted to add some margin you can also do that add data type access and there you have the access show access yeah you have the access now and you can have the high point and low point for that as well which is the you know the biggest change and the smallest change in this particular segment that is few Furniture yeah Furniture had the highest sales in January and uh Home Appliance had the lowest sale and you can also change the color and uh let's type of change the color again yeah we have a different color over here which resembles a little bit more better or you can also go with this one and if you wanted to add the same to all all these tables you can do that just by dragging it and you have it for all the 6 months now if you wanted to add some new data in this row or you wanted to add a new complete row then you can do that as well and change that and bring that change implemented in these charts as well now let us try to add a new row here which includes the miscellaneous we have that data right over here let's select that copy and uh let's let's paste it over here so there you go we have the extra row here so yeah now we have added the miscellaneous row and right now we have the spark line chart for only four columns or four rows that is Furniture technology home appliances and office needs and miscellaneous is missing now to add that as well let's select spark line and inside spark line just select edit Group location and data and now let's select the entire data and now select okay there's something wrong again spark line edit data select range this should be helping yeah there you go we have all the fire rows now including Furniture technology home appliances office needs and miscellaneous so conditional formatting is a method to visualize your worksheet we already have the charts in Excel to visualize our Excel sheets in graphical form but what if you had to see or visualize the data in your worksheet as it is so that is where the conditional formatting comes handy now let's get back to the Microsoft Excel and try to implement some conditional formatting now we are on on the Excel worksheet this particular data set is based on a store now we have various columns in this particular data set we have R ID order ID customer name Etc and finally we have quantity discount and profits now let's go to profits uh let us imagine that we have provided this particular store with a target of minimum 15% profits now let us find out the stores that have hit the 15% Target and the ones which did not so for that let us select the entire column now you can find the conditional formatting option in the home toolbar and in that ribbon the ribbon with Styles has the condition formatting option click on that and you have various options over here highlighting the cells top bottom rules data bars data scales and icons so data bars are actually the bar graphs which highlight themselves on each and every cell if you implement them and these are the color scales if you want to implement some colors you can go through that and if you want to represent your CS with icons you can also do that for now let's highlight the sales so select that and inside this select the greater than option and here you can provide the percentage that is 15% and the sales or the stores which hit the target should be highlighted with green color and select okay and there you go you have your stores that hit the 15 15% Target and the ones which did not hit the 15% Target now if we want to highlight the ones which did not hit the 15% Target you can highlight them with the color red so conditional formatting highlight the Cs less than 15% with color red and text dark and there you go it's done now let us consider another example so this particular example is based on train data set and here we have the passenger ID survived passenger class name Etc now we have a train accident incident over here now one is indicated that they are alive and zero is indicated that they are not alive now let us use this column and conditional formatting highlight the cells containing the text as one with color green okay and highlight the cells that contain text zero as red that indicates they are not alive and let us select the icons now we have the icons over here the X indicates that they're not alive and the Green Tech Mark indicates that they're alive now that is how you use conditional formatting in Excel so what is data validation in Excel so it is a feature by Microsoft Excel where it can restrict data entry into certain cells by using data validation and it will prompt the users to enter valid data in the cells based on the rules and restrictions provided by the creator of that particular sheet now this would be a little confusing to understand so to understand it in a much better way let's get back to the practical way where we will start entering some data validation rules to our Excel sheet and try to enter data into it now we are on the Microsoft Excel and this particular sheet is based on employee ID employee name employee Department employee salary fiscal year and work timings of the employees now we will be applying some data validation rules to each and every column and try to enter data based on the rules we have entered now for the first one which is the employee ID we will enter rules based on the emplo ID number so to apply the data validation you need to go into the data tab on the toolbar and inside the ribbon you can see data tools group and in the data tools group you have the option of data validation now select the entire column go to the data tools group select data validation option and you will have this particular popup menu and here you can see different types of options so since we are entering employee ID it would be a whole number so let us select whole number option and now here you can see the option of between not equal to equal to not between greater than less than Etc so let us select between and let us assume that your employee ID has five numbers and uh it should be between 10,000 to 11,000 so let us provide 10,000 and 11,000 now select okay and now the new rule has been applied so now the minimum value of each and every employ ID should be equal to or more than 10,000 and less than 11,000 and it should have five digits now let's try to enter a wrong employee ID that is just one there you go you can see that Microsoft Excel is not allowing you to include a wrong number it says this value does not match the data validation restrictions defined for this cell so now you can press retry and try to enter some number which is in between 10,000 to 11,000 now it is 10,901 and this will take the entry now let us assume that because I'm the creator of the I know what should be entered here but what if I give this sheet to you and you are the person who's trying to enter the number and it shows the error and you don't know what was the error right to avoid this kind of confusion what you can do is you can do some uh ways where you can provide the message to the user so that can be done by okay let's select the sheet again and go to the data validation and here you have the same settings now here you have another option saying input message so before input message let us go to error alert now here the error title would be data entered is not valid please enter this is the error message please enter EMP ID between 10,000 to 11,000 press okay now when you try to enter the wrong number it will show that particular error alert message see data entered is not valid please enter employee ID between 10,000 to 11,000 now this is fine but how long this will be you know what if there is an option where you just hover over to this cell and it automatically tells you to enter the value between 10,000 to 11,000 without having to face the error yeah even that can be done so you can select the entire column go to data validation and here this is the input message this is where you can do that so here you can write the message name valid data please enter data between 10,000 to 11,000 now when you hover over to any cell in this particular column it will automatically show you this message where you can avoid all the errors just select okay see when you select any cell in this particular column it will automatically tell you please enter data between 10,000 to 11,000 so here you don't have to face any errors right now let us try to enter the valid data 1 9 02 and it will take it as the correct value and again 1 903 now in case if you try to provide the wrong number it will show the error see so that's how it is now we have finished the whole number part now let's get into the employee name where we have to provide uh the second type that is text length now let us imagine that uh in your company you're trying to provide ID cards to your employees and you know that ID card is really small and inside that ID card you need to include the employee photograph and your company name employee ID blood group phone number address everything and also you need to include the name of the employee so what if there is an employee with very lengthy name like 30 characters 40 characters yeah in India it is really possible that you might have a lengthy name so what you can do is you can provide the text length where the text is limited to like 15 or uh 20 uh um characters so you can include that name in the ID card so you can do that by allowing the data validation criteria with text length uh minimum can be anything so minimum can be one and maximum here you can provide 50 and press okay okay minimum will change it to at least uh two and yeah let it be one so minimum is one and maximum is 15 characters and press okay and uh let us also provide the input message enter character type character data please enter valid name and error alert invalid data please enter valid data okay please enter characters less than 50 press okay now let us try to enter a random name okay uh we'll enter characters more than 15 here qu t z uh yeah it's like 1 2 3 4 5 11 okay now this is more than 15 okay I think it's not more than 15 let's try to enter a little bit more characters yeah now we have entered more than 15 characters and it is showing please enter characters less than 15 so now we can ret right and try to enter some valid name um now we have characters less than 50 so it will take as the proper name now let us try to enter another name I'm just entering some random data so another name maybe great now the next type of data validation is also done now let us get into employee Department employee department is something really superb so I'll tell you about it it's actually a list now let us finish the other ones first that is employee salary physic clear and work timings after that we'll learn about uh the list one now let's come into employee salary so salary is something where you have to include decimal points so now let us go to uh data validation and inside the values we have already dealt with whole number uh text length yeah now we'll uh deal with employee salary that is decimal now minimum is okay what is uh minimum can be one 0 and the maximum can be 1 lakh or let us put that as 10 lakhs press okay okay not not just then enter valid salary okay now let's change it to minimum is 10,000 so the employee minimum salary will be 10,000 and input enter valid salary enter salary between 10,000 to 10 lakhs let us include a comma here too now error alert invalid salary please enter between 10,000 to 10 lakhs press okay now the message and data validation conditions are applied to this column now let us try to enter some invalid data first it will show the error now we need to enter the valid data yeah now it is taking the valid data let us provide 20 ,000 and this has 35,000 now the next one is fiscally Year let us imagine that we wanted to you know work on the employees for current working year that is 2020 to 2021 and or you can consider 2021 to 2022 not more than 2021 and not less than 2021 for that you can provide the year option as well so for that you need to select the entire column go to data validation settings and inside here you have an option of date so uh let us provide the date option as between and start date is 01/ 01/ 2021 and end date is 01/01 SL 2022 and input message let us provide data as current fiscal year Current financial year enter date between 2021 to 2022 let us copy this and go into error alert error message will be S inv valid dat select okay now the error message and uh the data input message and the data validation rule has been applied for this column so let's try to enter some date here you can enter uh 02 of February 2021 it will take as the correct data now let's try to enter some wrong data which is apart from 2022 02 02 20 22 it will not take this it will throw error so that's how it works now let us try to enter as 2021 and this is March it will take it now another data 04 this time and 2021 so that's how your uh date data validation will work now coming into the next type of data validation that is time so we have time here let us imagine that you are providing some work timings to your employees that should be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. not more than that so you want to keep your work life balance for all your employees so you just want them to work between 9 to 5 and that should be fine and anything apart from that time should be invalid so you can do that by selecting uh time option between it should be in between and the start time will be 09 0 0 and this should be uh 17 that is 5:00 p.m. in the evening and input message please enter time between 900 a.m. to okay 5 pm. this should be the input message now error alert invalid time error message okay now okay work timings now this should be okay we can do this as two columns actually let us cancel let us copy this and paste it here you can do it as login login timing and this should be okay this should be a log out so this should be okay so this will be considered as login and log out times now let us provide the login time this should be the right time and uh let's try to provide wrong timings 08 now it will not take it it will throw as error so it's working fine let us provide 10 now let us provide the log out time it should be below 5 p.m so let us provide five it will take it okay let's try to provide something just 1 minute less than five that is 59 okay there is some problem in this let's check it okay it is taking uh three that is including seconds okay let's provide seconds as well 05 0 0 0 0 okay still there is some problem okay we have entered four we should we are supposed to enter 24hour timing right 14 okay uh it should be 17 I think this will work yeah now we are following 24-hour timing here so let's provide another timing that is 16 30 0 0 this will be valid and 1530 yes this is also valid now we have finished almost all types of uh data validation things that is we have finished with any value whole number decimal date timing test length and the last one is list so this is where things get interesting now let's cancel this now select the employee column now if you're running a company then definitely you'll not have only one Department in it you might have multiple departments right so let us consider that you have a software development company so in that the basic departments will be software development team and software testing team so what you can do is you can provide a list so using that list you can just uh H over to that cell select the drop- down menu and inside that you can select the option so we will try to work something like that if we have selected the entire column selection okay yeah let us select the entire column again go to data validation the selection contains some sales without data validation settings do you want to extend data validation to the sales yes now let us provide the list option [Music] and here Source you can provide as developer and tester press okay okay now input message select one select one error alert invalid data select from drop down only press okay now when you select the cell you can see small drop- down icon right so when you press it you will have developer and tester option option so you can select developer for first one and for second one you can select uh tester right okay this is good for uh one or two options maybe three or even maybe like five but what if you have more departments okay let's go to this uh second sheet where we have the department data so here we have like 14 departments no 15 departments or 15 employee type names so the first one is see your second is developer tester quality analyst system analyst Finance human resource so so many options are there so you cannot keep on typing all of them right so here it is 15 what if you have like 25 like 50 departments right it will be tough so for this you have another option so let me select all this data and copy this from this sheet to our employee sheet let us paste it somewhere here let's expand this okay now we have our uh list over here now let us remove the data validation from this column clear all okay now everything is cleared let's select okay now let us erase this data as well now let us apply the list data validation again from scratch go to list now here we can select the source SCE select this particular cell and drag it until here and it has been loaded now go to input message data options select one from the menu or the dropdown copy error alert select only from the drop down menu invalid entry yeah now let's select okay fine now you have the icon here you have all the provided options you can scroll down and select any one of of these you can select knowledge transfer for the first one and second one would be system analyist and and the last one would be human resources now in the list everything is fine okay this is showing you the menu options and everything so but what if you provide this sheet to your new joiny or new employee in your company and by mistake he messes up something like deleting this okay so we have deleted systems analist and when you click on the options here you don't have systems analyist in that place you have blank space right so there is a way where all your uh you know data can be messed up so to avoid this what you can do is you can actually um save this data in a different sheet like I did here like Department data you can hide this sheet or you can protect the sheet with password or something so that nobody can mess this up so now let us get back to the employ data and select this column and uh clear everything press okay and let us also clear this and this as well this one too now let us eliminate the rows or cells the employee yeah everything okay now we have basically removed this data from here now let us try to apply the data validation once again now here let us select as list and uh here let us provide the option let us go to next sheet let us select all these options and press okay okay let's provide input message data options M Department options yeah now let's select okay now let's hide this sheet now the sheet has been hidden and you still have the options developer or let us provide CEO then we have have developer then we have test so that's how you can protect your sheets as well what is Excel vlookup vlookup stands for vertical lookup vlookup lets you search for specific information in your spreadsheet it allows you to search for a particular value in a column and returns another value from a different colum but of the same Row V lookup takes advantage of vertically aligned tables to quickly def find data associated with the value the user enters now let's look at the syntax to write a vlookup function so vlookup takes four parameters or arguments you can see it here there are four arguments in the v of function so the first argument is called the look of value the look of value represents the value that you're are searching for next is the table array the table array represents two or more Columns of information the Third arent is called the column index number now this represents the column number in the table from which the value must be returned the First Column is one the second column is two and so on and then we have the fourth parameter which is called the range lookup now this parameter is optional now range lookup is used to find an exact match so if you want to find an exact match you need to enter false or zero meanwhile if you want an approximate match you need to enter true or one if getting your learning started is half the battle what if you could do that for free visit scaleup by simply learn click on the link in the description to no more now let me give you a brief overview on what's going to be in our demo so for our demonstration we'll use a sales data set you can see the data set on the left using this data set we'll understand how we lookup performs an exact and approximate match we'll see how V lookup is case insense sensitive then we'll perform a wild card character search we'll understand how to handle errors when a match is not found and finally you will look at two-way lookups now here is a small example of how V lookup works so we want to find the units sold by Morgan using the data set on the left so here you can see I have the data set it has some rows and columns so these are the columns which are order date region there's a representative column item units there's unit cost and total and from this table I want to find the units that were sold by Morgan if you look at the table at the bottom you can see the representative name Morgan and Morgan has sold 30 units now I want to find this value using the V lookup function so here on the right you can see I have my lookup value which is Morgan and this is my V lookup formula and using this formula I'm getting the result as 30 now let's go to our Excel workbook and perform all the demos one by one so this is my Excel workbook that we are going to use for our demo and here is the data set we'll be using now this is the same data set that you saw a while ago so this data set has seven columns you have the order date the region Representatives name item there units unit cost and total which is is basically the total or the amount of sales that was generated we are going to use a chunk of this data set and perform our vlookup analysis so let's see our first example and the problem we have at hand let me go to the exact match tab all right so here I'm going to use this chunk of data which is actually taken from the original data set so we have taken the first 11 rows from the data set you can see from row two till row 12 is going to be our data set that we'll use so we have a question here we want to find the items sold by Thompson so here Thompson is my lookup value which means looking at Thompson I want to find the item that he sold so if you consider our table here you can see we have the representatives name Thompson right here and from the table you can see Thompson sold pencil and I want to get this value which is pencil using my vooka function so let's go ahead and write our vooka function I'll consider this as my lookup value and here under item I'm going to write my V lookup formula to write the vup formula I'll write first equal to and I'll write vook up if I hit tab it will auto complete all right now let's give the parameters so first is going to be the lookup value which is nothing but Thompson so I'll just select this cell which is j17 comma now it's asking to give the table array so the table array is the table from which you want to retrieve a value one thing to keep in mind is that the value you are looking for should be the first column of a table and you can select the table array till the end of the data set or till the column which has the value want to find so here I'll select my table array starting from the representatives column till the end of the item column which is going to be my table array then I'll select the column index number so the column index number is based on the table array you have selected in this case my column index number is going to be two because we have selected just two columns and the value which I'm going to find is in the second column so I'll give two comma Now the range lookup I'm going to give is false because I want to find an exact match so either you can hit tab or you can write zero which means false if I close the bracket and hit enter it will return me the item that Thompson had sold which is pencil you can verify from the table that Thompson had sold pencil all right now let's try to change the table array and see what result are we getting so this time I'll slightly change the table array so again we are trying to find the item that Thompson had sold so I'll write my formula equal to V lookup I'll hit tab to autoc complete I'll give my lookup value as Thompson comma this time I'm choosing my table array starting from the representatives column till the end of the data set which is till p12 again my column index number is going to be two because if you consider this table as the item column is the second column in the selected table array so I'm going to write it as two comma the range lookup I want to give as false because I want to find the exact match if I close this and hit enter you can see it has return returned me the same result that we saw earlier now suppose let's say this time I want to start my table array from the region colum which is this column so I want to select my table array starting from the region column now the this is going to show me an error because your table array should always start from the look of value column so if you consider Thompson as the look of value my table array should always start from the representatives column so let's just try this example so I'll write V lookup my lookup value I'm going to give it as Thomson comma the table array as I mentioned earlier I'm going to choose from the region column and let's say I'll select till the item column give another another comma and this time my column index number is going to be three because since the table array has three columns and my item column is the last column so I'm going to give my column index number is three comma I want to get the exact match so I give zero if I close the bracket and hit enter you can see it has given me an error okay now let me just show you another method to use V lookup in Excel so here on the top you can see there's a formulas Tab and under formulas tab under function Library you see we have an option to select look up and reference if I click on this and if I scroll down below you can see there's an option called vlookup let's choose this all right now here you can give your lookup value your table array column index number and the range lookup under this function arguments dialog box so here I want to select my lookup value as Thomson my table array is going to be from the representatives column till let's say the end of the data set my column index number is going to be two I'll write two and range lookup I'll write as false because I want the exact match now if I hit okay you can see it has given us the exact same result so this is one of the other ways to use V lookup in Excel now let's move to the next sheet which is regarding approximate match okay so sometimes you might have cases where you don't have the lookup value present in the table in those cases you can tell V lookup to return an approximate match now one thing to keep in mind is that your lookup value column should always be sorted in ascending order while trying to get an approximate match so here we are going to use this table and my lookup value column which which is going to be the representatives column is already sorted in ascending order and let's see the question we have here so I want to find the item sold and the unit cost for Matt so my lookup value is going to be Matt now if you see this table I don't have the representatives name mat anywhere in the table now using an approximate match I want to find the item and the unit cost so let's do it so here under item I'll write my vlookup formula so I'll type vlookup I'll hit tab to complete it and this time my look of value is going to be Matt so I'll select this cell comma my table array I'll select from the representatives column till the end of item column because I want to find the item value for Matt I'll give a comma my column index number as per the table array is going to be two comma my range lookup this time I'm going to give us true or one so I'll write one close the bracket hit enter all right it has written me binder was the item sold by Matt now let's try to figure out why we look up returned binder as the item now let's say you were asked to insert the name Matt to the representative column in alphabetical order so where would you place it ideally you should place between KL and Morgan since this column is already sorted Matt should appear before Morgan and after Q so in an approximate match we lookup will consider the previous highest value in this case the previous highest value before Matt is KL and hence we look up returned the corresponding item purchased by Kel which is binder now similarly if you wanted to find the unit cost for mat again we lookup will return the unit cost of KL which is 125 let's just try out so I'll write V lookup my lookup value is mat comma my table array for this time is going to be from Representatives column till the unit cost column I'll consider I'll give a comma Now the colum index number as per the table array is going to be four we give another comma and this time I'll double click true because I want an approximate match if I close the bracket hit enter you can see it has returned me 125 which is actually kl's unit cost okay we have another question and this time I want to find the units sold by Rob now Rob is going to be my lookup value if you see the representatives column we don't have Rob now let's see what we look up is going to return and as the item for Rob so I'll write V lookup I'll give my lookup value as Rob comma my table array is going to start from the representatives column I'll select till here I'll give a comma the column index number is two give another comma I'll double click on true I close the bracket hit enter you can see V lookup has return return me pen now let's understand why vlookup returned pen for Rob now if you are asked to insert the representatives name Rob into this column so ideally Rob would appear somewhere between Morgan and sorino because since this is sorted in ascending order Rob is actually greater than Morgan and is less than sorino so as you know we look up in an approximate match Returns the previous highest value which is Morgan here and the corresponding item for Morgan is pen and hence we look up returned pen for Rob all right now moving to the next sheet which is another property of vlookup which tells V lookup always looks to the right this means that your lookup value must always be on the left and the value you are going to find out should always be to the right of the table now consider this scenario where your lookup value is on the left in this case it is the representatives value and I have taken svino for an example and we want to find the order date for svino now if you consider this table your lookup value which is svino is actually this column the representatives column and we are going to find out the order date so your representatives name is on the right of the table and the value we are going to find out is on the left of the table now as for the property we look up only looks to the right so so if I use the vlookup function for this example here I'll write vlookup I'll give my lookup value as s Vino comma my table array I'll consider from the order date because I want the order date till the representatives column I'll give a comma and this time my column index number is actually the first column if I consider my table array as the first three columns selected and my range lookup is going to be false if I close the bracket hit enter it returns me an error the reason is we look up always looks to the right and this time the value we were trying to find out was to the left of the table now if you consider the opposite case suppose you have the order date and you want to find the representatives name you can do that easily because your lookup value which is the order date is on the left and your Representatives column is on the right so let's just try this I'll write V lookup my lookup value is going to be S Vino's order date so I'll select it from the table I'll give a comma my table array will start from the G column let's say I'll select the entire table comma and my column index number will be three if you consider these as my table array comma my range lookup is zero if I close this hit enter you can see we have got svino corresponding to the order date all right now let's move to the next tab now this tab says V lookup returns only the first match so we have a question at hand the question is find the units sold by Jardine if you see this table we have the representatives name Jardin twice you see here and if you look down we have jardan here as well but the item sold by jardan at the first instance is pencil and at the second instance it's desk now as per the property V lookup always returns the first match now ideally when we write the V lookup function and look for the units sold by Jardine you will see vup will return 36 instead of three let's just write out I'll write the V of function my lookup value is Jardine comma my table array I'll select from the representatives column till the end of units column I'll give a comma my column index number based on the table array is three I'll give another comma Now I want the exact match so I'll select zero close the bracket and hit enter now as you can see it returns me the first first match of Jardine which is 36 so we lookup did not consider the second match similarly if you consider this table we have Jones repeated Thrice so you have Jones here you have Jones here for the second time and also we have Jones for the third time and let's say you want to find the unit cost for Jones so if I write the vooka function I'll consider my look of value as Jones comma my table array I'll select from the representatives column till the end of unit cost column I'll give a comma based on the table array my unit cost column is at the fourth index so I'll write four comma the range lookup is zero if I click on this and hit enter you can see it here V lookup has returned the first instance of Jones and it did not come consider the second and the third instance so our unit cost for Jones is 1.99 because we look up only Returns the first match okay moving ahead to the next example we have here is we lookup is case insensitive if you consider this table I've added another row in green so if you see here I have a representative name called Gil which is in proper case or popularly known as sentence Keys here I have added Gil's name in capital letters are all in upper case so I want to find the total revenue generated by Gil the total revenue is basically the total column let's do it I'll write V lookup my lookup value is Gil which is actually in upper case I'll consider my table array from the representatives column till the end of total column or the sales column based on this selection my column index number is five comma the range lookup is false so I'll just double click on false if I close the bracket hit enter you can see it here our vook of function has returned the total as 53973 which is actually the value for this row so clearly V up did not consider Gil was present at the bottom of the table in upper case so this shows that V lookup is clearly case insensitive all right now moving to the next example the vuca function supports wild cards which makes it possible to perform a partial match on a lookup value for instance you can use V lookup to retrieve values from a table after typing only part of a lookup value to use wild cards with vlookup you must specify the exact match by giving false or zero for for the last argument that is range lookup now we have a question here I want to know how much sales did the representative whose name starts with Ki make now here sales represents the total column actually so I want to find out the person whose name starts with Ki so if you consider the representative column I have one representative whose name starts with Ki that is Kel so using Ki as my lookup value I want to find the total so let me show you how to use wildcard characters and find the value using vlookup so I'll write my function V lookup okay now in lookup value I'll give Ki after that I'm going to write Amber scent followed by double inverted commas then I'm going to write a star and close the inverted comma this means the value starts with Ki Amber sent actually represents concatenation and star represents anything followed by Ki so this is going to be my lookup value in total I'll give a comma next I'll select my table array starting from the representatives column till the end of total column because I want to find the seals I'll give another comma my column index number based on the table array we have selected is five comma the range lookup is zero because I want to find an exact match close the bracket hit enter you can see it here V lookup has returned me 999.50 which is actually equals total now there's another way to do it instead of selecting the cell in which we have the lookup value I I can directly write it in the vooka function so I'll write the vooka function something like this so my lookup value I'll pass Ki within double inverted commas because Ki is a character value So within double inverted commas I'm writing Ki followed by Amber sent which is for concatenation followed by a star within double inverted commas so this is going to be my look of values this in total means anything that appears after Ki will be considered as the look of value again the table array I'll select as these rows and columns comma my column index number would be five comma the range lookup is zero if I close the bracket hit enter you see we have the same value so this is another method or another way of using vlookups okay now moving ahead let's explore another feature of vlookup so if the vlookup function cannot find a match it returns a hash na error now if you want you can use the if na function to replace the has na error with a friendly message so suppose you want to find the region in which an order was placed on 10th of May 2018 now if the order date is not found I want to return a message that is invalid date so if you look at the order date column we don't have any value for 10th of May 2015 you can see these values we don't have any value corresponding to this date so if my V lookup function cannot find this lookup value I'll return invalid date so let me show you how to write this I'll type my vook of function I'll give my order date as 10th of May 2015 as my lookup value and then I'll consider my table array starting from the order date column till the end of region column I'll give another comma my column index number would be two this time based on the table are we have selected comma I want an exact match so I'll give zero close the bracket and hit enter there you go it has returned me an error now I want to convert this error to a friendly message saying invalid date so let me show you how to do it I'll do it here so to return a valid message I'll use the ifna function and within ifna function I'll give my V lookup function so let me type if na I'll hit tab now for the value parameter I'll use my vup function so my lookup value is going to be the order date comma my table array I'll select from the order date column till the end of region column comma my column index number is going to be two comma my range lookup is zero I'll close the bracket give another comma Now if this expression results in an error I want to display a message that is invalid date so I'll put invalid date within double codes since it is a text message I close the bracket hit and enter you can see the result which is invalid date now moving on to the final section of the demo we have two-way lookup now in the v lookup function the column index parameter is normally hardcoded as a static number however you can also create a dynamic column index by using the match function to locate the right column and this technique allows you to create a dynamic two-way lookup matching on both rows and columns now let me first show you how a match function works so suppose I want to find the index where unit cost column is present so here I'll use the match function I'll give my lookup value as the unit cost column name comma suppose I'll choose my lookup array starting from Representatives column till the unit cost column comma I'll give my math match type as zero for exact match if I close the bracket hit enter it returns me four because my array was selected from the representatives column till the unit cost column and in this array unit cost is at the fourth index all right now using this idea let's solve the following problem I want to find the cost of each item sold by Morgan so let's write our vooka formula right be lookup my lookup value is J5 which has the representatives name as Morgan comma my table array I'll select from C2 till F12 I'll give a comma and this time I know that my column index number is at 4 but I'll be using the match function to find the same so I'll write match my lookup value is unit cost comma my lookup array is from C1 till fub1 comma my match type is zero I close this bracket give another comma and I'll give my range lookup as zero close the bracket hit enter you can see for Morgan the unit cost is 19.99 you can verify from from the table for Morgan the unit cost is 19.99 all right now we have another question here I want to find how much sales did Andrew make in the central region so here I have two lookup values one is Central one is Andrews now looking at these two values I want to find the total to solve such problems let me first create another table I'll place the table somewhere here okay so let me just paste the table here all right now I'll create another column where I'll merge the values of region and representatives so here let me create another column okay I'll just name this column as region rep all right now this column I'll use the concatenation operator so I'll Select East use Amber Cent and then select Jones I'll hit enter now the same thing I'll just duplicate it for the other rows as well so I have my new column created Now using this table I can easily solve the problem now to find the total I'll write my vlookup formula so my lookup value will be a combination of j11 erson k11 comma while table array will start from the region rep which has the values of region and rep combined till the last column and from this table array my column index number is five and my range lookup is zero if I close the bracket hit enter you can see for central region which is this one and for Andrew's representative the total is 14925 all right now we are done with our demo let's have a quick glance at what all we did in this demo okay so first of all we saw our data set which was a sales data set that we used then we started with our first example to see how vooka performs an exact match we also saw how using the formulas Tab and lookup and reference you can write V lookup in another way so you can use the function arguments to give your V lookup parameters next we saw how V lookup performs an approximate match so we had Matt and raw which were not present in the representatives column after that we saw an important property of V lookup that is V lookup only looks to the right followed by V lookup only Returns the first match following which we saw that V lookup is case insensitive so here we had added a new row where Gil was present in upper case but still we look up found the total revenue for Gil which was in sentence case or proper case next we saw how we can use Wild Card characters to use V lookups and here we saw how to use an if any a function along with V lookup and finally we saw how to use two V lookups choose from over 300 in demand scales and get access to 1,000 plus hours of video content for free visit scaleup by simply learn click on the link in the description to know more now we are on the sheet of Microsoft Excel and here you can see some data on my sheet that is employee name employee ID and salary so here we are going to perform our horizontal lookup but before that let me show you that this particular drop- down menu so this particular drop- down menu has all the names of the employees in this particular table and we have created this using data validation in Excel if you want to create the drop- down menus just like this then feel free to check out our data validation in Excel tutorial link to which is in the description box below now let's try to implement H lookup in Excel so here we have employee name but we want to find out the employee ID so for that let's create the H lookup now for that equals to H lookup now the first one is the lookup value so this one is the cell which is the employee name now after that the table array we have to select all the table arrays here now the row index number so the employee ID is in row index number two according to the table so for that provide two and close the bracket and before closing brackets you you might want to give the exact match so for exact match select false and close the bracket press enter and there you go and if you select Jack then you'll find the employee ID of Jack and if you select Jerry you'll find the employee ID of cherry reflecting here now similarly let's find out the salary of all the employees using H lookup so equals H lookup and lookup value that happens to be the name of the employee now the table array and next we have uh row index number that is salary happens to be the third R in the table so three and exact match close the bracket and enter so now if you change the values in this particular drop down menu you'll find the employee ID and their particular salary so Jack happens to be carrying the employee ID as 10001 and his salary is 10,000 so similarly let's try try to find out Peter's employee ID and salary so there you go one5 and 50,000 as salary so that's how you use H lookup in Excel here you can see the first chart so this particular data is converted into a table format to avoid confusion while you're fixing the data so here you can see the name of the employee employee ID Department salary and date of joining and here you can see the salary column and the bonus percentage of each and every employee based on their salary now coming to the new data table and here on the table two which is an updated table here you can find we're going to find out the department of the employee and the current Department of employee and the bonus percentage based on his or her salary so why are we finding current Department again so here you can see that we have an intern Emily who has joined in the year 2020 but recently she got promoted as a developer so her department has been changed from Department in turn to Department developer in 2021 so that's what we're going to find out here in the current Department using X lookup now let's start to implement X lookup so for that equals to X lookup and for lookup you can see if you need to find out the lookup value lookup array return array and all the other two are not important right now but you can use them to get some exact matches in the future we'll also use that in the future for now let's try to use the first three parameters that is look up value look up at array and written array so the lookup value is the name of the employee Mary and lookup array is right here which is this one now we are going to select the lookup array then comma and uh we're going to look up the department so this is the department lookup array and that's all we need close the bracket and press enter okay I think we missed out the lookup value so the employee uh or the lookup value which we required was missed so I've added it here so that is the lookup value the first one which is Mary and there you go press enter and you have the department here now let's add it to all the rowes and here you have all the rowes and all the data related to all the employees now we will find out the current Department as you can see here you have em as intern which is the old data but what if you needed the latest data that is the developer in the year 2021 right for that you might want to to the X lookup formula a little bit so let's try that X look up look up value which is the same and comma Now where you have to look for the array that is lookup array this one and the return array which happens to be this one and next you can find the exact match for this one so that's all right exact match and here comes the important part where you have to search last to first by default X lookup searches for first to last that is like this in the starting place to the last place so that's the reason why we had Emily as intern so now if we give last to first then it retrieves the latest data where Emily will be shown as developer now select that and now you can close the brackets and press enter so let's add that to all the rows there you go now you can see Emily Clark Peter and James all they have got their updated job profiles as you can see in the original data Emily is a developer now so is Clark who was originally a tester and he got promoted to development team in 2021 similarly Peter became a senior Finance executive in 2021 and James the manager of sales now let's try to find out out the bonus for all these employees based on their salary so this one is quite simple so X look up now the lookup value is their existing salary comma and the bonus part so the lookup array is the salary range then here is another important point so here you might want to find the exact match but finding the exact match will not help you here you might want to declare another type of value where you can get exact match or next smaller item so you'll understand it why I'm selecting that so now let's close the bracket and enter so so now we have the bonus values now let's add the bonus value to all the factors all the rows I mean so you can see we have different variety of salaries that is 38,000 22,000 39 Etc but here in the ranges we have provided 10 20 30 40 and 50 so what if the value is between and 20 that's when you want the less number right that's when you want the number which is equalent to 30 or less than 30 which happens to be 15% so that's how it has worked here that is 0.15% bonus to the actual salary now we are on our Excel sheet here you can see the employee names and employee IDs of different employees from different zones let us imagine that the blue one is from East Green one is from West and the black one is from or the purple one is from South and the orange one is from North so this data is a little small but what if you had a data with hundreds or thousands of rows including all the employee names employee IDs or another relevant data type like sales of an employee and his employee ID and you were supposed to combine all the data from all the four different zones into one single sheet it would consume a lot of of time right so recently Microsoft has released some latest updates based on arrays and datas so one of those is vstack function in Excel so how to use it since it is a latest function I recommend you to go to the file menu and in the file menu you can navigate to account and in the account you can see the option of update options then you can select update now and your Microsoft Office will be updated to the latest version and you'll get access to the latest functions in Excel and all the other office related things like B one presentation Etc now we going to implement the vack function in Excel it is completely simple all you need to do is equals to stack and then select the data remember to select the data from column A and cell two or the row two we are not selecting the employee name and employee ID we are just selecting data now separate them by comma then again this one here this set and again this one and again lastly this particular last set now close the bracket and press enter and there you go you have all the employee names and their respective employee IDs all together in one data set so this is how you use wack function in Excel now here we have four different sheets of the sales so so the first sheet is the West Zone next is South Zone East Zone and central zone so all this data belongs to one single sheet that is Superstore data set so I have categorized or I have taken a part of the data which belongs to central region South Region west region and east region now we are going to use all these four sheets and create one single sheet which is the pivot table of all the four sheets now without further Ado let's start the process now for that we might want to use the shortcut key that is alt D now press P now this starts the pivot chart wizard now here we have to choose the option multiple consolidation ranges then click on next and here you can see the pivot table is clicked by default now we'll go to next now here click I will create page fields or the pivot chart wizard will automatically create if you want that to create for you now click on next now here let's select the range now I'll be selecting the range add it now next we'll Select East it followed by that we have South and finally we have West now we will name these according to the regions so the first one will be West next one will be South next one will be East and the last one will be Central click on next and here select new worksheet and finish and there you go you have the pivot table here now you might want to change the submission value so click anywhere on the pivot table and change it from count to sum so so that you have the summation of the total number of sales subcategory sales and grand total of sales Etc now here you can see all option now let's select Central and you'll get the details of the central region the grand total and the sales happening quantity of sales Etc now here can you can see the furniture office supplies technology and the grand total all in one single sheet now let's get back to the original sheet so as you can see this is the original sheet and in the original sheet you can see various more categories which is the which is the shipment mode customer customer segment country City State uh and you also have uh product name subcategory Etc so if you had added all these into this sheet you can also create a separate option of adding my new details to your pivot table so that is how the pivot table is created using multiple sheets so slic in Excel are software filters used along with Excel tables or Excel pivot tables over a large amount of data not just filtering out data but slices also help you with an easy understanding of the information being extracted and displayed on the screen now Microsoft Excel slices are compatible with Windows and Mac and Tosh operating systems now let us understand how to implement slicers in Excel so for that we might want to get back to the Practical mode that is starting our Microsoft Excel now we are on our Excel sheet and as you can see on my screen there is some data available on the Excel spreadsheet and this table is not just any table this table from Microsoft Excel is been converted into an actual table as you know by default Excel considers all the data which is been inserted into the spreadsheet as a database and to implement this license in Excel we must might want to create or convert the format of database into a normal table for that you can select all your data and just press contrl T and that will allow you an option called convert the data into table now since this table is already converted as a table we can directly start implementing or inserting slices into the spreadsheet now for that select all your data then going to the insert option and in the insert ribbon you can see the filters group and in the filters group select the option called slicer now you will be provided with multiple options since we have the columns employe ID employee name Zone designation Department salary employees date of birth and employees date of joining so we can choose any of the options available according to our columns and create the slices now let me select the first one that is Zone next designation department and let's also select employee name now press okay and there you go we have our slices now let us try to rearrange these slices all you can do is just select and drag them up and done now let us imagine that we want to see or take a look at the employees who are working in the EAS Zone then we have all the information displayed on the screen who are working in the East Zone they are Jack Tony bner Fred Etc and their Department designation etc etc all on one single screen so this really helps you while you're presenting your data in a presentation now for a change let's try to select the department now if your client wants to select the data from only analytics Department then you might want to select on the analytics key on the department slicer and there you go you have an employee called luk hops who works in the East Zone and his department is analytics and his designation is contract based and the salary he is getting is 65,000 now similarly uh you can see that we have only selected analytics and your client also wants data from it support now you can see that analytics is gone but what if you want both analytics and it support then you have an option called select multiple then you can select analytics and it support and if you want HR you can also do that and in the zone if you want West along with East then you can do the same east and west and you have all the employees details and in the designation let's try to select U senior traine okay select multiple senior training and manager so that's how you do it so that's how it's done and that's how you implement slicers in Excel to simplify the filtering options using slicers during a presentation so what is suon Excel now you might want to calculate uh the total sum of sales right so let us assume that this is your entire stores sales data and you wanted to calculate the entire sum of sales so there is a sum function in Excel where you just have to you know select all the sales and apply some function onto it and you'll get the sum of all the sales right so with something like this you'll select all the cells and then you'll apply a sums function and you'll get the sum here and average everything right so this is fine but what if you just wanted to find the sales that are happening in only western region as you can see our column f is based on region so we have four regions South West East and Central so your manager asks you to find the sales happening in suppose say west region so how do you calculate it would you manually go into each cell and check if it's West and calc that will be time consuming right so what if you had a method which could do it for you just in a matter of few steps or few clicks right so that's exactly summs so so it will basically add a condition calculate the sum of sales where the region is equals to West simple to like or similar to Cal query right so that is exactly what we're going to do in Excel today that is using Summers now let me add here Sales of West Region now in the next cell let's add a suus function remember there are multiple sum functions in Excel so when you type in suum you can see so many options based on some right you just have some followed by that you have some if it is just some if not some ifs today we are concentrating on some ifs so not just some if we'll go to some ifs so we'll be having an option of placing multiple if conditions there so let's also try that more on that later now let's press tab to select our sum FS function now okay we forgot another important step so before we apply sufs we need to convert our table into a table format yes it looks table but right now it's not in Tabo format it is in the format of database we know that Microsoft Excel considers its data as a database by default so to convert the database into table just click anywhere on the data and press contrl T so that you'll have a new dialogue box and it will ask if your table has headers just make sure that you have tck in it our table does have headers so select okay now our database has been converted into a perfect table and it's ready for applying sums function so now you can see our database has been successfully converted into our table now let's begin with our sufs now again remember we are using some ifs here not Su if or sum so select sum if and press Tab and we have our sums function now the first step which colum are we looking at what are we finding out right which is a sum range what sum do you want for now we need some of sales so select the sales column and we have a simple key function here let's hold control again press shift and hold shift together so we're holding control and shift key together and now we're pressing lower Arrow key once yes the entire sales column has been selected comma Now where do you want to look so we want to look I mean which part of the table you want to fetch right so this is the region part we want to fetch right now so again hold control and shift together lower Arrow key the entire column is selected now the next last part so we want to look into the both of the columns that is sales column and region column now which type of data you want so for now we want Western type of data that is the sales data which is happening only in West right so we'll select this cell with the data as W or you can also manually enter it for now let's select the data so I'm selecting this F7 which has uh data as West right now let's close the parenthesis and press enter so there you go you have the sales happening in the western region now you can also try to format it in the form of currency so let's use uh dollars since it is based on American states so let's use dollars so there you go now we are having the sales data of West now let's try to copy the same to all the fores and uh now here let's type in East and this can be South right and this can be your central there you go right now you can also copy the same formula and make minor edits to it so here instead of f8 you can select uh East so where is East here and press enter so you have the sales related to East now let's try to edit F9 with South select South Region enter so you have South sales and what remaining is Central so let's edit Central as well and press enter so there you go right now you have all the separate sales data from west east south and Central now again uh you might want a bit more granularity data right or in your reports right like you wanted to find the sales data happening in West and you wanted to find out the category based on only Furnitures so your manager will ask you okay a fantastic job so now just give me another minute detail on the data I want to calculate the sales happening on West based on category Furniture right so he wants furniture or he wants office supplies only right you can also do that it's not an issue at all now let's try to copy this sell and paste it here and sales invest let's add another input here on furniture right now you wanted to calculate the sales happening in west region only on furniture so you can also do that now we can use the same formula as well just copy paste the formula here right and you can add few things here when you try to add a comma it will automatically generate the next criteria so it is expect that you are looking for adding another criteria right now which column you want you want category so let's select category you want to select all the cells same trick control shift lower key and again press comma and you wanted to select only uh Furniture so select on furniture cell there you go now press enter so there you go we successfully have the sales data from west region based on category Only Furniture so that's how you do suf in Excel you can also add a few more details to it like in Furniture you can also look only for tables so here you can see in west region we have furniture sales data and we have sales data of West Region based on furniture which includes only tables you can also do that using sums function in the same way all you have to do is select the subcategory column and select the cell which has the data as tables so this is how you use sus in Excel how to create drop- down list in Excel now for that we might want to switch to the Practical mode now we are on our Excel spreadsheet and here you can see I'm trying to create an calendar for the employees in the company where you might have to you know write down the day and month and year or week of your birth date or maybe your joining date or maybe also your last working day right this might be useful for all the employees to you know uh avoid them from writing it down manually so how do I create it so it takes a few simple steps all it takes is some data validation methods and also there is an exclusive video specifically made on data validation in Excel link to which is in the description box below or you can search it on our official YouTube channel now you can see that uh the word calendar is on the first cell that is A1 but we have four cells below it that is A3 B3 C3 three and D3 so you might want to add this to all the cells right like may be in the middle so for that you can do the option of mergin Center also there is a tutorial on mergin Center about all the options available in this particular thing so you can go through that also and uh here we have done the first step now all we need is day month year and week so in a calendar or in a month you'll have days from 28 29 30 or 31 days right so let's create a list or the drop down menu for that so that whenever you click it right so whenever you click on that particular cell you will have the list of all the days available right so let's get started with that let's create a new sheet so why are we creating a new sheet you won't want that all the numbers in your calendar sheet right over here right so for that so we are creating a new sheet and all the data will be available here so here let's write down the days first and here the second number also you can use the option of Flash Fill so that you can you know uh reduce the effort here so you can see the flash F option over here all you need to do is select the CES and drag them down until you get your required dates right so let's keep it till 31 days there you go you have the days so these will be your days and here now the next option was month right yeah month and year now using the same flash F option you will you know add the months into your sheet so this will be Sunday so Excel has this smart flash F option where you can just drag the data and everything will be filled according to your requirements so Sunday to Saturday now the next one right that is your month so same as the before process we'll create January now you can use the flash Bill option and all the way up to December now the last one was the year so 1990 and 199 21 so you can select the cells and Flash Fill Up to 2022 maybe yeah 2022 should be good enough now this is the flashfill option you have here and also we have an exclusive tutorial on flashfill Al together you can go through it for a detailed explanation as well now coming back to the original sheet so this is where you create create your drop down list right so select the cell where you want to add the drop down list navigate to data and then here is your data validation menu so we have a variety of data validation options over here there is an exclusive tutorial on that you can go through it for now we'll look into the list option only because we want to create a drop down list right so here it will ask for Source click on the source here the source bar right Now navigate to sheet number two where we have the days options select the range so this will be your range and select okay also you can add some message here right what you can do is uh in case if there is an error or something right you don't want that to be happening so all you need to do is uh right down select from dropdown select from drop down only so this could be a message select from drop down only the title is Select options or just options in case if there's an error you can write down your title as invalid data and you can write down a messages please select from drop down only so um in case of someone tries to write as 32 or 33 to check the Integrity of your data validation then they will encounter an error and an error message and then they must be understanding what exactly they try to do and if it's correct or wrong right so this is to make sure that whatever the data you enter is correct and valid so okay and here you can see select from the dropdown list only options with option list as title and let's try to enter 32 right and when you press enter you will see an error so the error messages invalid data please try to select from drop down only so you can go for a retry and select the drop down right so let's eliminate them and now select something from the drop down so let's take it as maybe 10 right so this is how you cleared the day one now let's try to do with the month same data validation option settings will be list and Source will be this one think I made a mistake here so let's cancel this and go back to sheet 2 and Brin in this as our week yeah now coming back to the month again it will be a list and the source will be in sheet 2 navigate to the sheet 2 and select your range and input message the same options select from dropdown only and error alert title will be invalid data this one will be please select from drop down on it's okay and that's done now let's continue with here as well let's quickly do the same it will be a list Source will be in sheet to this is your list press okay and lastly the week same process it will be a list show will be in your sheet two input message options thatle invalid dat let drop down only right so your drop down list is ready now so the month will be anything So currently we have me and here can be anything anywhere so let's take it as 997 and we can be you know the adjacent week so what was 10th of May 1997 let's check our calendars was a Saturday so it was a Saturday and that's how you create drop down list in Excel and if you want you can also add borders to your calendar right so that's how it's done what is a pivot table a pivote table is a tool that summarizes and reorganizes selected columns and rows of data in a spreadsheet to obtain a desired report it does not actually change the spreadsheet data it simply pivots or turns the data to view it in different perspectives pivot tables are especially useful with large amounts of data that would be time consuming to calculate manually now let's understand the different components of a p table so there are four main components first we have rows when a field is chosen for the row area it populates as the first column in the pivot table similar to The Columns all row labels are unique values and duplicates are removed columns is the second component when a field is chosen for the column area only the unique values of the field are listed across the top then we have values each value is kept in a pivot table cell and displays the summarized information the most common values are sum average minimum and maximum finally we have filters filters apply a calculation or restriction to the entire table so let's jump over to Microsoft Excel and let me show you the data set that we will use in this demo so with India being ready for its 16th census in 2021 that is next year it is a good time for us to analyze India's last census data from 2011 and see where different states and cities across India stood in terms of population literacy and other socioeconomic factors we will analyze this data by creating different pivot tables in Excel and explore some of its features so let's begin first I'll show you one of the features that Excel offers us so suppose I click on any cell and hit control+ Q you can see our entire table is selected and at the right bottom there's an option of quick analysis now you can see by default Excel has prompted certain features such as formatting we have charts totals and there's one more called tables now Excel by default has created some P tables for us now the first one you say sum of district code by state names next we have sum of sex ratio by state name then we have some of child sex ratio some of male graduates and some of female graduates by state name and there are others before creating our pivote table so let's have a final look at our data set so First Column you see is the city column so there are different cities from different parts of India then we have the state code we have the state name district code we have the total population followed by male and female population next you can see we have the total literates from each City then we have the male and female literates next we have the sex ratio then we have the child sex ratio next we have total number of GR graduates and finally you can see we have male and female graduates so using this table we'll create several peot tables now first of all let's create a peot table to find the total population for each state and sort it in descending order so you can see here we have the problem statement so our first P table will have the total population for each of the states in descending order so to create a peot table you can click any cell in your data go to the insert Tab and here left you can see we have the option to create a pivote table so let me select pivote table now my range is already selected the entire table and here I'll choose existing worksheet because I want to place my pivote table in the same worksheet and I'll give my location I'll point to cell Q5 now let me click okay you can see the peot table Fields appears here on the right now since we want to find the total population for each state so what I'll do is I'll drag my state name onto rows so here in our poo table you can see we have the different state names listed now we want the total population for each of these states so in the field list I'll search for total population which is this one and drag it under values you can see we have our sum of total population for each of these states by default Excel will sum any numeric column you can always change it to average minimum maximum anything you want now we want to sort this column in descending order so I right click go to sort option and choose Z to A that is largest to smallest you can see here in 2011 Maharashtra had the highest number of population or the total population in Maharashtra was the highest then it was utar Pradesh we had Andra Pradesh and if I come down we have nagaland and andan and nicobar Islands towards the end so this is a simple P table that we created now the next problem we have is we want to find the total sum of literates in each City belonging to a state so let's see how to do it I'll click on any cell go to insert and here I can click on pivot table my range is selected I'll choose existing worksheet and give my location which is Q5 I click on okay now here we want to find the total sum of literates so what I'll do is first let me drag total literates column to values you have the total sum of literates from all the states next I want to see the sum of total literates based on states and cities so let me first drag state name onto rows and then we'll drag City onto rows you can see here we have our pavot table ready to the left of the pivote table you can see we have the state names and the cities per state and on the right you can can see the total number of literates from each City if I scroll down we have Assam then you can see we have Bihar and if I keep scrolling we have all the states harana Himachal Pradesh that's Jammu and Kashmir which has now become a union territory we have jarand Karnataka and other states as well moving on okay so the next thing we want to see is what is the average sex ratio and the child sex ratio for each state with that we also want to find the states that had the highest and lowest sex ratio in 2011 so let's create a peot table for this I'll click on any cell go to insert choose P table click on existing worksheet I'll select cell Q5 and click on okay now since we want the average sex ratio and the child sex ratio so first I'll drag those columns either you can manually scroll and drag it or here you have the option to search for it so if I look for child you can see we have the same column listed can just drag it from there let me delete this and I also want the sex ratio so I'll place it on top of child sex ratio next we want to see it based on different states so what I'll do is I'll take state name and put it under rows so here you can see we have our pivot table ready on the left you can see we have the different state names listed and on the right we have the values now we want to find the average Now by default Excel will sum the numeric columns you can see it tells you sum of sex ratio and child six ratio so what you can do you can click on this drop down and go to Value field settings and here summarize values by you can choose average you can see the custom name it says average of Sixx ratio click on okay our entire column is now giving us the average sex ratio similarly for this column let me convert it into average I'll again click on the drop down go to Value field settings click on average and click okay and you can see here we have the average of child sex ratio for each of the states now the next question says which states had the highest and lowest sex ratio so we'll consider this column so we'll sort it in any order you want you can do it either ascending or descending let me sort it in descending order you can see we have our column sorted now so in 20 2011 Kerala had the highest sex ratio and if I scroll down to the bottom you can see himanchal PR this had the lowest which is around [Music] 818 up next let's explore one more feature of peot table so suppose you want to see the top or bottom few rows of a peot table you can do that as well so here we have a question at hand we want to find the top three cities with the highest number of female grad so let's see from the entire pivote table how we can filter the top three cities so I'll go to insert click on the P table option go to existing worksheet click on Q5 and hit okay now since we want to find the top three cities I'll drag City column onto rows and then we want the female graduates so in the search bar I'll look for female and I'll choose this column that is female graduates and drag it here onto values so I have the sum of female graduates for each of the Cities now since we want to find the highest number of female graduates in the top three cities so let me first sort this column I'll sort it in descending order now we have it sorted now from this you can say that Delhi greater Mumbai and bangaluru are the top three cities but it's displaying all the cities for us so let's filter only the top three so what you can do is right click and go to filter under filter you have the option of top 10 I'll select this here I only want the top three so either you can go down like this or you can directly type three your column is already selected Ed let me just click on okay there you go we have the required pivot table ready and it only displays us the top three cities with the highest number of female graduates now the next thing we want to see is how to use a Slicer in a peot table so we have a question here What's the total population for all the cities in Rajasthan and Karnataka so let's create a p table for this and see how you can use a slicer to filter the table click on existing I'll click on a location this time q6 click okay now since I want the total population so I'll drag total population onto values and then I'll select the city onto rows and then the state name also I'll place it on top of City so you have in the P table all the states and their cities and on the right you can see the total population for each of these cities but our question is we want to find only for Rajasthan and Karnataka now for that what you can do is go to insert and create a slicer either you can create from this option or you can go to pivote table analyze option and here you have the option to create or insert a slicer I click on this and since we want to slice the table based on state that is Rajasthan and Karnataka I'll choose state name as my slicer field you can see this is my slicer here now you only want the data for Rajasthan and Karnataka so I'll search for these two so here we have Karnataka so let me select Karnataka first and I also want for Rajasthan so let me select Rajasthan also you can see in our pivote table we only have data for Rajasthan and Karnataka so this pivote table shows you different cities from Karnataka and the total sum of population from each of the cities and similarly we also have for Rajasthan moving ahead now we will see another very interesting feature of pivot that is how you can create percentage contribution of a table for example we have a question here what's the percentage contribution of male and female literates from each state now we want to see in terms of percentage and not as sum or average let's do that I'll create my pivote table click on existing and I'll select an empty cell okay now here since we want to find the percentage contribution of male and female literates so first I'll drag male literates onto values followed by female literates on two values by default it has summed up the male literates and female literates value and also I want to drag State column to rows so here you can see the sum of male literates and female literates per state I want to convert this as percentage contribution so what we can do is I'll select any cell and I'll right click and I'll go to so value as and here I have the option to select percentage of grand total so I'll select this you can see we have the percentage contribution of male literates through the total now if I sort this you will get to know which state contributed or has the highest percentage contribution so we have Maharashtra for male literates then we had utar Pradesh in 2011 if I come down we had migala nagaland and Andaman and nicobar Islands as two states which had little or minimal contribution to literates similarly let's do it for female literates I'll go to so value as and select percentage of grand total so you can see here also Maharashtra utar Pradesh then Gujarat and all had the highest percentage contribution to female literates so this is another good feature to convert your data and see it in terms of percentage now moving ahead let's say we want to to find the bottom three cities from each state that had the lowest female graduates we can do that as well I'll go to insert click on pivot go to existing worksheet select an empty worksheet and click on okay now since I want to see based on States as well as cities so let me drag the state name first onto row and let's drag the city column onto rows next we want female graduates so let me look for female graduates in the field list I'll drag it onto values now we have the list of states and the respective cities and to the right of the P table you can see the sum of female graduates from each City now first I'll sort this column I'll right click go to sort and click on sort to largest now we have sorted our female graduates from shortest or smallest to largest now since I want to find the bottom three cities from each state I'll come to this cell right click go to filter and select top 10 now I'll replace top 10 with bottom and I want the bottom three cities from each state I have my column selected that is some of female graduates if I click on okay you can see here some of the states don't have three cities so you can see andan and nicobar islands has only one city that is Port player while the remaining you can find the bottom three cities with the lowest number of female graduates so Andra Pradesh had these three in Assam we had Naga then there was dier and ccha similarly if I come come down in harana we have palwal kathal and zind if I come further here you can see for Karnataka there gangavati this Rani benur and this scholar similarly you can see for Kerala as well now moving ahead now in the next example I'll tell you how you can create a calculated field or a calculated column in Excel with the help of a p table so in a p table you can create or use custom formulas to create calculated Fields or items calculated fields are formulas that can refer to other fields in the pivote table calculated Fields appear with other value fields in the pivote table like other value Fields a calculated Fields name May proceed with sum of followed by the field name so here we have a sales table that has columns like the items which has different fruits and vegetables and those have been categorized as fruits and vegetables we have the price per kg and this is in terms of rupees and we have the quantity that was sold now let's see if you want to find the sales for each item in the table you can create a calculated field so your sales column is going to be the product of price per kg and quantity so let me show you how you can do that with the help of a pivote table I'll create a pivote table first click on an empty cell hit okay now if you see on the top under pivot table analyze and under calculations we have the option Fields items and sets if I click on this drop down I get the option to create a calculated field or insert a calculated field and click on this I'll give my field name as sales and I'll select my formula I'll first click on price per kg and hit insert field I'll give a space hit shift 8 to give the product symbol and then I'll double click on quantity now this is my formula for sales that is price per kg multiplied by quantity I'll click on ADD and I click on okay if you see here there's a calculated field that is present in the pivote table fields which is seals but it did not add it to our original table or original table is the same but here we have added a calculated field which is present only in the pivote table list now we can use this it has already taken it under values now let's say I want to find the sum of sales for each item under each category you can see it here we have our category fruit and we have our category vegetable and under that we have different items like Apple apricot banana similarly in vegetables we have broccoli the carrots corn eggplant and others so this is how you can create a calculated field in a pivote table now this's one more good feature that Excel offers us in pivote table is to create a pivote chart so you can use your pivote table and create different charts so I'll show you how to do that if I go to insert here I have the option of recommended charts I click on this Excel gives me some default charts which you can use let's say I'll select this let me drag it a bit to the right here you can see I'll close this pivote field list this is a nice bar chart that Excel has created this is called a pivote chart now here you can see the category fruits and vegetables and the different fruit and vegetables or the items in the y axis you can see the total sales if you see from the graph guava meet the highest amount of Sals now if I sort this let's sort this first you can see it here fruit guava meet the highest amount of sales now since I sorted and changed my poo table the P chart also automatically gets updated similarly there are other chart charts also that you can create let's go to the insert Tab and let's click on recommended charts again let's look for a pie chart so this is a pie chart that you can create let me click on okay so here is our pie chart and each Pi represents a certain item and the pi that has the highest area represents it had the highest amount of sales in this case you can see it is quava and similarly we have other items as well this is fruit banana that's corn and we have spinach and others let's explore a few other charts so first I'll click on my pivot table go to insert and under recommended charts let's now select a line chart if I hit okay move it to the right so this is a line chart you can see it starts from guava which had the highest amount of sales then it drops and in the x-axis you can see the different items similarly when it starts with the vegetables broli made the highest amount of sales with 2,800 rupees and our lowest was eggplant at 900 rupees for fruits papaya sold the least at 700 rupees let's take another chart I'll go to insert under recommended charts let's see this time we'll see a bar chart now this is a horizontal bar chart and not a vertical one we just saw a vertical column chart like this this is an horizontal bar chart now you can always increase and decrease the size of these charts let's explore a last chart let's take the area chart for now so this is an area chart again it looks similar to the line chart it starts with guava which had the highest amount of seals similarly papaya under fruits had the lowest amount of Sals under vegetables it was broccoli and finally eggplant made the lowest amount of sales under vegetable now let's go to our first sheet and summarize what we have done in this demo for pivot tables in Excel so we had our data this is a 2011 Census Data from India we have had the different cities the state names and we had the total population total literates female literates male literates we had the sex ratio total graduates and other information so we began by understanding how to create a simple pivote table where we calculated the total population for each state and sorted it in descending order we found that Maharashtra utar Pradesh had the total population in 2011 then we saw another preot table where we calculated the total sum of literates in each City belonging to a certain state so you can see we had the different state names and the cities under each state then we saw another feature where you could calculate the average of a certain numerical column so here we calculated the average sex ratio and the child sex ratio for each state and found out which one had the highest and lowest sex ratio you after that we saw how you could find or filter tables we saw how to find the top three cities with the highest number of female graduates we found out that Delhi greater Mumbai and bangaluru with the top cities with highest number of female graduates next we saw how to use Slicer in a p table so we sliced our table based on Rajasthan and Karnataka State and saw the total population for all the cities in Rajasthan and Karnataka in the next sheet we explored another feature that was to find the percentage contribution of male and female literates from each state then here we saw how to find out the bottom three cities for each state having lowest female graduates one thing marked that some of the states did not have three cities for example Andaman had only one city that was Port player but the others we found out the bottom three cities that had the lowest female graduates finally we looked at how to create a calculated field in a pivote table so we saw how to create a calculated field called sales and then we explored how to create different charts and graphs so this was an area chart that we saw there a column chart we also saw or looked at a bar chart that was a horizontal bar chart similarly we saw how to create a pie chart as well now at times you might be working on a really important spreadsheet on your Excel or you might have the sales data of your company or some confidential data of your organization and you might have shared the file with your junior or you might face some paret issue and you forgot to save or you missed to save your data and what to do if you cannot save your data and how can you recover it right so this might be a really big hassle today we are exactly to discuss the same and see how to do it in multiple ways so Excel comes up with an option to automatically save the data also it will try to warn you that your data is not being saved would you like me to save it or not right so we'll do the first one so here you have the autosave option you can either say okay to it or you can ignore it in case if you ignore it if you choose to ignore it or if you choose to manually save it and then if you want to close the file remember we haven't saved the file if you if you wish to close it Excel will automatically come up with a dialogue box asking you want to save your changes to your data. xlsx that means it is asking you if I have to save it or not let's try to ignore this and forcefully let's try to close it you can go to task manager option here we are trying to simulate the option of bar issues so we are forcefully closing Excel without saving any data so we have closed it now here you can see we do not have Excel running in the background now when you directly open or try to start Excel when you get the power backup again and if you want to open that same data file it will ask you the document recovery option it says you have closed the file without saving the changes and you can choose to you know come back from the same place where we left last time okay now that was the paret issue and now let's see uh another way okay let's imagine that somebody uh eliminated few important data files from your organization's confidential data employee ID employee name Etc and again uh let's simulate the force uh close of the Excel now we are closing it again without saving no data was been saved now it will also ask the same uh data it has another version here the the original one which wasn't saved so here you can recover the same file again however it was initially so you can save it and it will get back to the original place so this was one way also we have another few multiple ways just we have to navigate to file and here you can open and in the open menu you have a button called recover unsaved workbooks not just the current workbook it will also have all the remaining files which are related to excel that are not saved so here you have a few workbooks which was not saved this is one option and we also have another option we can just navigate to info and there you have another option called manage workbook and in the manage workbook you have another option called recover unsaved workbooks which will also redirect you to the same file that is Microsoft Office unsaved files and you'll have all the unsaved workbooks which are related to excel so this is how you can Rec cover the unsaved data in Excel using multiple ways first thing Excel will automatically ask you if you have to save the file or not and in case if you forget to save it you can directly recover it by default by Excel it will automatically show that some folder was not saved on the left side of your Excel spreadsheet by default and in case if you missed out on that one you can manually go to file and you can either choose open option or info option to recover the unsaved folders from your default file location from your PC that is Microsoft Office unsaved files Etc which will have all the list of all unsaved workbooks related to Excel and with that we have reached to the end of this session on top 10 Advanced data analytics steps and tricks using Excel should you need any assistance like pbd data sets or any other resources used in the session please feel free to let us know in the comment sections below and our X pass we'll be happy to assist you as early as possible until next time thank you
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