Tuesday 11 May 2021

AI:which natural materials are used to clear the body odour of female body and foot odour of men and what are scientific resources/chemicals available to cure it

Body odor and foot odor are caused by the breakdown of sweat by bacteria on the skin. To address these odors, you can use a combination of natural materials and chemical resources. Here are some suggestions:

For Body Odor (Females):

  1. Natural Materials:

    • Baking Soda: It can help absorb moisture and reduce odor.
    • Cornstarch: It also absorbs moisture and can be used as a natural body powder.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: Used as a natural deodorant or added to bathwater.
    • Lemon Juice: The acidity can help balance the skin's pH.
    • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial properties.
    • Coconut Oil: Acts as a natural moisturizer.
  2. Commercial Deodorants:

    • Many deodorants and antiperspirants are available that can help control body odor.

For Foot Odor (Males or Females):

  1. Natural Materials:

    • Epsom Salt Foot Soak: Helps in reducing odor and can soothe tired feet.
    • Vinegar Soak: A vinegar and water soak can help kill odor-causing bacteria.
    • Talcum Powder or Foot Powder: Keeps feet dry and reduces moisture.
    • Essential Oils: Oils like tea tree, eucalyptus, and peppermint can be added to foot soaks or diluted and applied as a foot spray.
    • Change Socks and Shoes: Regularly changing your socks and shoes can help keep feet dry.
  2. Foot Deodorants:

    • There are foot-specific deodorants and sprays available that can help combat foot odor.
  3. Antifungal Powders or Creams:

    • Sometimes, foot odor can be related to fungal infections. Antifungal treatments can help.
  4. Insoles with Odor Control:

    • You can find insoles designed to reduce foot odor.

Remember that personal hygiene, like regular bathing and washing of clothes, plays a crucial role in reducing body and foot odor. It's also a good idea to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional if you have persistent or severe issues with body or foot odor, as it could be related to an underlying medical condition.

The following natural materials can be used to clear the body odor of females and the foot odor of men:

  • Baking soda: Baking soda is a natural alkaline substance that can help to neutralize the acids in sweat that cause body odor. To use baking soda to clear body odor, mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your underarms, groin, or other areas where you experience body odor. Leave the paste on for a few minutes, then rinse it off with water.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is another natural substance that can help to neutralize the acids in sweat that cause body odor. To use apple cider vinegar to clear body odor, mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto your underarms, groin, or other areas where you experience body odor. Allow the mixture to dry completely before putting on clothes.
  • Lemon juice: Lemon juice is a natural astringent that can help to remove bacteria from the skin. To use lemon juice to clear body odor, mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto your underarms, groin, or other areas where you experience body odor. Allow the mixture to dry completely before putting on clothes.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil with antibacterial and antifungal properties. To use tea tree oil to clear body odor, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. Apply the mixture to your underarms, groin, or other areas where you experience body odor.

There are also a number of scientific resources and chemicals available to cure body odor and foot odor. These include:

  • Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, which helps to block sweat glands. This can reduce the amount of sweat produced, which can help to reduce body odor.
  • Deodorants: Deodorants contain fragrances and other ingredients that help to mask the smell of sweat. They do not block sweat glands, so they do not reduce the amount of sweat produced.
  • Antimicrobial soaps and washes: Antimicrobial soaps and washes contain ingredients that kill bacteria on the skin. This can help to reduce the amount of bacteria that cause body odor and foot odor.
  • Topical antibiotics: Topical antibiotics can be used to treat infections on the skin that can cause body odor.

If you have severe body odor or foot odor that does not respond to natural remedies or over-the-counter products, you should see a doctor. Your doctor may be able to prescribe prescription medications or other treatments to help control your body odor or foot odor.

The following natural materials can be used to clear the body odor of females and the foot odor of men:

  • Baking soda: Baking soda has antibacterial properties that can help to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria that cause body odor.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can help to kill bacteria that cause body odor.
  • Lemon juice: Lemon juice is also acidic and can help to kill bacteria that cause body odor.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help to kill bacteria and fungi that cause body odor.
  • Witch hazel: Witch hazel has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce sweating and inflammation associated with body odor.

The following scientific resources and chemicals are available to cure body odor:

  • Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants contain aluminum salts that block the sweat glands and reduce sweating.
  • Deodorants: Deodorants contain fragrances and other ingredients that mask body odor.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat body odor caused by bacterial infections.
  • Botox injections: Botox injections can be used to temporarily paralyze the sweat glands and reduce sweating.

It is important to note that some people may be allergic to natural materials or chemicals used to treat body odor. It is always best to consult with a doctor before using any new product or treatment.

Here are some tips for using natural materials and scientific resources/chemicals to clear body odor:

  • Baking soda: Apply a paste of baking soda and water to the affected area and let it dry for a few minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball. Let it dry for a few minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Lemon juice: Mix equal parts lemon juice and water and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball. Let it dry for a few minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Tea tree oil: Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath water or mix it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and apply it to the affected area.
  • Witch hazel: Apply witch hazel to the affected area with a cotton ball.
  • Antiperspirants: Use an antiperspirant with at least 15% aluminum chloride. Apply it to the armpits and other areas where you sweat excessively.
  • Deodorants: Use a deodorant with a pleasant scent. Apply it to the armpits and other areas where you sweat excessively.
  • Antibiotics: Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Botox injections: Get Botox injections from a qualified dermatologist.

By following these tips, you can clear body odor and feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

The following natural materials can be used to clear the body odor of female body and foot odor of men: Baking soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help to absorb sweat and neutralize odor-causing bacteria. It can be used to make a paste that can be applied to the armpits, feet, or other areas where body odor is a problem. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be used to make a spray or soak that can be applied to the armpits, feet, or other areas where body odor is a problem. Lemon juice: Lemon juice contains citric acid, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be used to make a spray or soak that can be applied to the armpits, feet, or other areas where body odor is a problem. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be mixed with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil, and applied to the armpits, feet, or other areas where body odor is a problem. The following scientific resources and chemicals are available to cure body odor: Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants contain aluminum salts that block the sweat glands, reducing the amount of sweat produced. Deodorants: Deodorants mask the smell of sweat but do not reduce the amount of sweat produced. Antibacterial soaps and body washes: Antibacterial soaps and body washes can help to reduce the number of odor-causing bacteria on the skin. Oral antibiotics: Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for people with severe body odor that is caused by a bacterial infection. It is important to note that some people have allergies to natural materials and chemicals used to treat body odor. It is important to do a patch test before using any new product on the skin. If you experience any irritation, discontinue use of the product. If you have severe body odor that does not respond to home treatment, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

AI:How underwater living beings and environment like coral reef can earn revenue for the government and people engaged in marine stuff and How can AI automated machines can help to boost this process and streamline the underwater life , healing everything including pollutant, diseases, environment etc.

Monetizing underwater ecosystems, such as coral reefs, while preserving and protecting them, is a complex task. Revenue generation should go hand in hand with conservation efforts. Here are some ways underwater living beings and environments can contribute to revenue generation, along with the potential role of AI in this process:

1. Marine Tourism:

  • Underwater tourism, including scuba diving and snorkeling, can attract tourists. Revenue can be generated through permits, guided tours, and marine exploration experiences. AI can help optimize scheduling and safety in underwater excursions.

2. Marine Research:

  • Universities, research institutions, and environmental organizations can pay for permits to conduct marine research. AI can be used for data collection and analysis, benefiting research efforts and generating revenue.

3. Sustainable Fishing:

  • Implementing sustainable fishing practices can support local fishing communities while preserving marine life. AI can help monitor fish populations and enforce sustainable fishing regulations.

4. Coral Restoration and Conservation:

  • Governments and NGOs can generate revenue through coral restoration programs and ecotourism, allowing visitors to participate in conservation efforts. AI can assist in monitoring coral health and guiding restoration efforts.

5. Biodiversity Management:

  • Marine protected areas can be established, and entry fees can be charged to help fund conservation and enforcement. AI can monitor the health of the ecosystem and detect illegal activities.

6. Aquaculture and Mariculture:

  • The cultivation of fish, shellfish, and seaweed in underwater environments can generate revenue through the sale of seafood and other marine products. AI can optimize aquaculture processes.

7. Underwater Filming and Photography:

  • Professional photographers and filmmakers can pay for permits to capture the beauty of underwater environments. AI can assist in post-production and editing.

8. Energy Harvesting:

  • Ocean energy technologies, such as tidal and wave energy systems, can be implemented to generate electricity. AI can optimize energy generation and storage.

9. Pollution Cleanup:

  • AI-powered robots and sensors can be used to detect and clean up underwater pollution, including plastics and oil spills, generating revenue through environmental cleanup services.

10. Pharmaceutical Discovery: - Marine organisms can be a source of unique compounds with medical potential. Research and development in the pharmaceutical sector can generate revenue. AI can assist in drug discovery.

11. Environmental Monitoring: - Governments can charge fees for environmental impact assessments and monitoring of underwater construction projects, pipelines, and infrastructure. AI can streamline these assessments.

12. Education and Outreach: - Educational programs, underwater training, and virtual reality experiences can generate revenue while raising awareness about marine conservation.

13. Marine Art and Craft: - Local artisans can create and sell marine-themed art and crafts, promoting both local culture and marine conservation.

AI can play a significant role in the management and optimization of these revenue-generating activities. It can be used for data analysis, monitoring environmental conditions, predicting and responding to threats like coral bleaching or pollution, and enhancing the safety and efficiency of underwater operations.

It's important to strike a balance between revenue generation and the protection of underwater ecosystems. Sustainable and responsible practices are key to ensuring the long-term health and economic viability of marine environments.

There are many ways that underwater living beings and environments like coral reefs can earn revenue for the government and people engaged in marine stuff. Here are a few ideas:

  • Tourism: Coral reefs are beautiful and unique ecosystems that attract tourists from all over the world. Governments and marine businesses can charge tourists to visit and experience coral reefs.
  • Fishing: Coral reefs provide habitat for a variety of fish and other marine life. Governments and marine businesses can issue fishing permits to fishermen who want to fish in coral reef areas.
  • Aquaculture: Coral reefs can be used for aquaculture, which is the farming of aquatic organisms. Governments and marine businesses can lease coral reef areas to aquaculture businesses.
  • Research: Coral reefs are important for scientific research. Governments and marine businesses can charge researchers to conduct research in coral reef areas.
  • Education: Coral reefs can be used for educational purposes. Governments and marine businesses can charge schools and other educational institutions to use coral reef areas for educational trips and programs.

AI automated machines can help to boost the revenue-generating potential of underwater living beings and environments like coral reefs in a number of ways. For example, AI automated machines can be used to:

  • Monitor coral reefs: AI automated machines can be used to monitor coral reefs for signs of stress or damage. This information can be used to protect coral reefs from threats such as pollution and overfishing.
  • Restore coral reefs: AI automated machines can be used to restore coral reefs that have been damaged. For example, AI automated machines can be used to plant new coral fragments and to remove invasive species.
  • Manage fishing: AI automated machines can be used to manage fishing in coral reef areas. For example, AI automated machines can be used to track the movements of fishing vessels and to enforce fishing regulations.
  • Promote sustainable tourism: AI automated machines can be used to promote sustainable tourism in coral reef areas. For example, AI automated machines can be used to educate tourists about the importance of coral reefs and how to protect them.
  • Conduct research: AI automated machines can be used to conduct research on coral reefs and other underwater living beings. This research can help us to better understand these ecosystems and to develop ways to protect them.

In addition to boosting revenue-generating potential, AI automated machines can also help to streamline the underwater life and healing everything including pollutants, diseases, and the environment. For example, AI automated machines can be used to:

  • Clean up pollution: AI automated machines can be used to clean up pollution in coral reef areas. For example,

Friday 7 May 2021

How Mobile Screen Size, Resolution, and PPI Screen Affect Test Coverage

 Mobile screen sizes are growing bigger. And it's more important than ever to understand key device characteristics from a development and testing standpoint. This includes:

  • Mobile screen size.
  • Screen resolution
  • Screen PPI (pixel per inch / pixel density).

These characteristics are important whether you are developing native apps, hybrid apps, or responsive web apps. 

Introduction to Mobile Screen Sizes and Density

There are a variety of mobile screen sizes available. As of November 2015, tablet and mobile screen sizes range from 4.7" to 9.7". 

Common mobile screen resolutions include: 480×800, 640×1136, 720×1280, 750×1334, 1080×1920, and 1440×2560. The most common resolution is 720x1280. 

How Android Categorizes Mobile Screen Density

Android categorizes mobile screen density into one of six families: 

  • LDPI (low): ~120dpi
  • MDPI (medium): ~160dpi
  • HDPI (high): ~240dpi
  • XHDPI (extra high): ~320 dpi
  • XXHDPI (extra extra high): ~480 dpi
  • XXXHDPI (extra extra extra high): ~640 dpi


A Comparison of Mobile Screen Sizes, Resolution, and PPI

Device Name

Mobile Screen Sizes

Screen Resolution


iPhone 6


750 x 1334

326 (XHDPI)

Samsung Galaxy Note 5


1440 x 2560


iPhone 6 Plus


1080 x 1920

401 (XHDPI)

iPad Air 2


1536 x 2048

264 (HDPI)

Samsung Galaxy S6


1440 x 2560


iPhone 6S


750 x 1334

326 (XHDPI)

Blackberry Passport


1440 x 1440

452 (XXHDPI)

iPhone 6S Plus


1080 x 1920

401 (XHDPI)

Google Motorola Nexus 6


1440 x 2560


HTC One M9


1080 x 1920

440 (XXHDPI)

Source: (Perfecto's Device Coverage Index, Nov. 2015)

It's important that you don't mix devices and operating systems based on the location of the devices. And it's also important to understand that screen size and resolution can change visuals.

For example, two Samsung devices with the same screen size but different resolution might show different visuals to the user. Or they will consume more CPU and battery to process the various app visuals on these devices.

As a starting point, it is easy to determine your device PPI and classify it as one of the density families accordingly.

How to Calculate PPI Screen

1. Calculate the Dp Value

Here's the formula to calculate the Dp value:

Calculate Device Size

(calculate the device screen resolution square root --> for iPhone 6 it would be 750 x 1334)

So, you'll get 1,530 as the Dp value.

2. Match the Screen Size to the Dp Value

Match the screen size to the above Dp value to get the PPI.

An iPhone 6 device, which has a 4.7'' screen size, will result in 326 PPI.

Why Do Screen PPI and Mobile Screen Size Matter?

Mobile apps run on different devices equipped with very different hardware (systems on chip). These devices therefore have a varied amount of CPU as well as battery types. This impacts performance.

So, loading a given app on an LG G4 (5.5'') with 515 PPI would be different from an iPhone 6S Plus (also 5.5") but with a 401 PPI. The CPU, batter usage, and performance (responsive time) would be different for each device. 

Because there is such a large, fragmented market of devices, there's a lot for developers and testers to consider. You ought to be thinking of the end user experience. And that means app performance, visuals, usability, and robustness. 

It will be critical to know your app's benchmark performance on a variety of devices. This is a good step toward having the right test coverage for your mobile app.

How to Test Screen Resolutions With Perfecto

Testing screen size, resolution, and PPI among manufacturers should be your first step in assuring good user experience across platforms.

Take a look at the Android OS release history below. It's clear that bug fixes around performance, battery consumption, and user interface are key. 

Android OS History

When you use a tool , it's easy to test for a variety of mobile screen sizes, resolutions, and PPI. You can leverage our mobile test lab to make sure that your app runs smoothly, regardless of device.

5 Keys To Continuous Unattended Testing and Mobile Test Automation That Work

 In the world of continuous unattended testing, a developer's claim "Well it works on my device" is not acceptable. Mobile is by far more fragmented than Desktop/Web platforms due to the variety of device types, OS versions, and the environment on which it operates (network impact, roaming, battery stretch etc.).

When you test mobile, it is not sufficient to test on one or even a few devices, but instead test apps on several devices that adequately cover your end-users' device pool. How can you keep up with testing apps on so many devices, you ask? Easy. Build a working mobile test automation strategy that runs the same script across all of your devices, making your Dev/QA teams confident that they are delivering the best app to end-users.

From the experience Perfecto gathers everyday, we came up with the must-haves for building a continuous, unattended mobile test automation strategy that provides immediate feedback to its Dev/QA teams.

1. Relevant Device Selection

It is one of the toughest dilemmas in today's market to identify the right device X OS mix on which teams should develop and test their mobile app against. When building your prioritized list of mobile devices, consider the right criteria, including:

  1. Target market and competition/End-Users - On which devices and OS versions your end-users actually use the most (based on organizational analytic data)
  2. Generic market statistics - Top sold devices (smartphones and Tablets) in the relevant regions. Such data can be retrieved from analyst research such as IDC, Flurry, ComScore and others.
  3. Change rate and market dynamics - As we all see, the mobile market is in constant change and your teams need to "listen" to the trends and changes- adopt them and change the strategy accordingly

2. Continuous Unattended Testing Brings Agile Development and Faster Feedback

  1. Mandates mobile OS system level control - If the script cannot initiate events outside of the AUT (App under test) it cannot really test the app as the end-user will use it
  2. Incoming alerts and error handling are also mandating system level control out side of the AUT
  3. Hybrid objects support - automation framework should support both OS level objects (DOM for web and hybrid apps) and Visual objects for full use case support
  4. Device logs, rich media reports (Video and Visual) and vitals (Memory status, Battery etc.) are critical evidence to Dev/DevOps teams as feedback to act upon

3. Device and Browser Elasticity

As your mobile app project grows/shrinks based on your SDLC phase, your test automation solution needs to be flexible enough to accommodate necessary changes and provide the needed support to your team (even more critical in cases of distributed teams).

4. Continuous Integration is Key for Cross Team Collaboration

Whether your Agile/Dev/QA teams are using ALM tools (HP, Microsoft, etc.) or OSS (Selenium, Robotium, JUnit) tools, your automation framework solution should be able to connect to these tools and bridge any gaps in the daily continuous work flow. Use what your team knows - this is the best way to release mobile apps faster without compromising quality.

5. Testing On Real Mobile Devices and Browsers

It is imperative to understand that testing on something other than real devices in your critical automation scripts and as your mobile app evolves is a huge risk. Only real devices running formal OEM OS flavors against real networks reveal an app's true functionality in the same way your end-user will experience it.

To conclude, see below (Fig 1), a check list of mobile testing pillars which need to be part of your Mobile App Testing Plan.

Thursday 6 May 2021

AI on profile picture how to optimize the process of animals/cattles feed from vast agricultural fiields automating the process of with mimmum cost without rottening cereals, plants , rice, wheat etc. and with minimum landusage with zero labor transportation cost


Here are some ways to automate the process of animal feed production:

  • Use automated harvesting machines to harvest the crops.
  • Use automated transportation systems to transport the crops to the feed mill.
  • Use automated feed mills to grind the crops and mix them into a balanced feed.
  • Use automated delivery systems to deliver the feed to the animals.

Reducing costs:

Here are some ways to reduce the cost of animal feed production:

  • Grow your own crops. This will eliminate the need to purchase feed from external suppliers.
  • Use drought-resistant crops. This will help to reduce the risk of crop failure and ensure that you have a consistent supply of feed.
  • Use a balanced feed ration. This will ensure that your animals are getting the nutrients they need without wasting feed.
  • Use feed additives. Feed additives can help to improve the digestibility of feed and reduce the amount of feed that animals need to eat.

Preventing spoilage:

Here are some ways to prevent the spoilage of animal feed:

  • Store the feed in a cool, dry place.
  • Use airtight containers to store the feed.
  • Add preservatives to the feed.
  • Monitor the feed regularly and discard any spoiled feed.

Reducing land usage:

Here are some ways to reduce the amount of land needed to produce animal feed:

  • Use high-yield crops.
  • Use vertical farming techniques.
  • Use hydroponics.

Zero labor transportation cost:

Here are some ways to reduce the labor and transportation costs associated with animal feed production:

  • Use automated transportation systems to transport the crops to the feed mill.
  • Use automated delivery systems to deliver the feed to the animals.
  • Locate the feed mill and the animals in close proximity to each other.

Overall, by automating the process of animal feed production and using the strategies outlined above, it is possible to optimize the process with minimal cost, without rottening cereals, plants, rice, wheat, etc., with minimal land usage, and with zero labor transportation cost.


=Here are some ways to optimize the process of animals/cattles feed from vast agricultural fields by automating the process with minimal cost, without rottening cereals, plants, rice, wheat, etc., and with minimal land usage and zero labor transportation cost:

1. Use automated irrigation systems. Automated irrigation systems can help to ensure that crops are watered properly and that they do not dry out. This can help to prevent the crops from rotting. 2. Use drones to monitor crops. Drones can be used to monitor crops for signs of pests or disease. This can help to identify and address problems early on, before they cause significant damage to the crops. 3. Use automated harvesting machines. Automated harvesting machines can help to harvest crops quickly and efficiently. This can help to prevent the crops from rotting. 4. Use automated feed processing machines. Automated feed processing machines can help to grind and mix crops into feed. This can help to create a more nutritious and palatable feed for animals. 5. Use automated feed distribution systems. Automated feed distribution systems can help to distribute feed to animals evenly and efficiently. This can help to ensure that all animals are getting enough to eat.

By using these automated technologies, it is possible to optimize the process of animal/cattle feed from vast agricultural fields with minimal cost, without rottening crops, and with minimal land usage and zero labor transportation cost.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use crop rotation. Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops in the same field in a rotating sequence. This can help to improve soil fertility and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Use cover crops. Cover crops are plants that are grown to protect the soil. They can help to reduce erosion and retain moisture in the soil.
  • Use composting. Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Compost can be used to improve soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

By following these tips, farmers can reduce the cost of producing animal feed and improve the quality of the feed. This can lead to healthier animals and higher profits for farmers.

In addition to the above, here are some specific machines that can be used to automate the process of animal/cattle feed from vast agricultural fields:

  • Automated irrigation systems: These systems use sensors and timers to water crops automatically based on their needs.
  • Drones: Drones can be equipped with cameras and other sensors to monitor crops for signs of pests or disease.
  • Automated harvesting machines: These machines can harvest crops quickly and efficiently, reducing the risk of crop loss.
  • Automated feed processing machines: These machines can grind and mix crops into feed, creating a more nutritious and palatable feed for animals.
  • Automated feed distribution systems: These systems can distribute feed to animals evenly and efficiently, ensuring that all animals have access to food.

By using these machines, farmers can automate the entire process of animal/cattle feed from vast agricultural fields, from irrigation to harvesting to processing and distribution. This can help to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and reduce environmental impact.


There are a number of ways to optimize the process of animals/cattles feed from vast agricultural fields, automate the process, minimize costs, avoid rottening cereals, plants, rice, wheat, etc., and use minimal land with zero labor transportation costs.

Optimizing the process

  • Use crop rotation: Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops in the same field in a rotating sequence. This can help to break the cycle of pests and diseases, improve soil fertility, and reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Use intercropping: Intercropping is the practice of planting two or more crops together in the same field. This can help to create a more diverse ecosystem that is less susceptible to pests and diseases.
  • Use cover crops: Cover crops are crops that are grown to protect the soil. Cover crops can help to reduce erosion and retain moisture in the soil.
  • Use integrated pest management (IPM): IPM is a holistic approach to pest control that uses a variety of methods to manage pests and avoid damage to crops. IPM can help to reduce the use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
  • Use precision agriculture: Precision agriculture is the use of technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural practices. Precision agriculture can help to reduce the use of inputs, such as water and fertilizer, and it can also help to improve crop yields.

Automating the process

  • Use automated irrigation systems: Automated irrigation systems can be used to water crops more efficiently and effectively than manual irrigation systems. Automated irrigation systems can also be used to apply fertilizers and other inputs to crops.
  • Use automated harvesting systems: Automated harvesting systems can be used to harvest crops more efficiently and effectively than manual harvesting systems. Automated harvesting systems can also be used to reduce the risk of damage to crops.
  • Use automated feeding systems: Automated feeding systems can be used to feed animals more efficiently and effectively than manual feeding systems. Automated feeding systems can also be used to reduce the risk of overfeeding or underfeeding animals.

Minimizing costs

  • Use energy-efficient equipment: Energy-efficient equipment can help to reduce the costs associated with agricultural production.
  • Use renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can be used to power agricultural equipment and facilities.
  • Reduce waste: Reducing waste can help to reduce the costs associated with agricultural production. Waste can be reduced by improving the efficiency of agricultural practices and by recycling and composting agricultural waste.

Avoiding rottening cereals, plants, rice, wheat, etc.

  • Harvest crops at the right time: If crops are harvested too early or too late, they are more likely to rot.
  • Handle crops carefully: Crops should be handled carefully to avoid damage.
  • Store crops properly: Crops should be stored in cool, dry conditions to prevent rotting.
  • Use crop preservatives: Crop preservatives can be used to extend the shelf life of crops.

Using minimal land

  • Use vertical farming: Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops vertically. This can help to produce more food on less land.
  • Use hydroponics: Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil. This can help to produce more food on less land and can also help to conserve water.
  • Use aeroponics: Aeroponics is the practice of growing plants in a mist or fog. This can help to produce more food on less land and can also help to conserve water.

Reducing labor transportation costs

  • Use automated equipment: Automated equipment can help to reduce the need for labor.
  • Use renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can be used to power agricultural equipment and facilities.
  • Reduce waste: Reducing waste can help to reduce the need for transportation. Waste can be reduced by improving the efficiency of agricultural practices and by recycling and composting agricultural waste.

By implementing these measures, slaughterhouses can optimize the process of animals/cattles feed from vast agricultural fields, automate the process, minimize costs, avoid rottening cereals, plants, rice, wheat, etc., and use minimal land with zero labor transportation costs.


Optimizing the process of feeding animals or cattle from vast agricultural fields while minimizing costs and reducing waste requires a combination of efficient practices and automation. Here are steps to achieve this goal:

  1. Precision Agriculture:

    • Utilize precision agriculture techniques, including GPS-guided machinery, drones, and sensor technologies, to maximize the efficiency of planting, harvesting, and monitoring crops. Precision agriculture minimizes the use of resources like water, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  2. Crop Selection:

    • Choose crop varieties that are well-suited for animal feed and have high yields. Consider drought-resistant varieties to minimize water usage.
  3. Crop Rotation and Cover Crops:

    • Implement crop rotation and cover cropping practices to maintain soil health and fertility. These techniques reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and help control pests and diseases naturally.
  4. Automated Harvesting:

    • Invest in automated harvesting equipment that can efficiently collect and process crops like cereals, grasses, and legumes. This reduces labor costs and minimizes crop wastage.
  5. On-Farm Storage:

    • Construct on-farm storage facilities to store harvested crops safely and prevent spoilage. Proper storage reduces the need for transportation and minimizes post-harvest losses.
  6. Automated Feeding Systems:

    • Implement automated feeding systems for cattle and animals that dispense the right amount of feed at specific times. These systems reduce labor costs and minimize feed wastage.
  7. Mobile Feeding Robots:

    • Mobile feeding robots can be used to distribute feed to animals in the field. These robots can be programmed to move through the fields and deliver feed at designated feeding stations, minimizing the need for transportation and labor.
  8. Grain Silos and Bins:

    • Install grain silos and bins on the farm to store grains like rice and wheat efficiently. These storage facilities protect grains from pests and moisture, reducing spoilage.
  9. Water Management:

    • Implement water management practices, such as drip irrigation or efficient irrigation systems, to ensure crops receive the right amount of water without wastage.
  10. Fodder Production:

    • Cultivate high-quality fodder crops in a controlled environment, such as greenhouses or hydroponic systems, to ensure a consistent and nutritious feed supply for animals.
  11. Data and Analytics:

    • Use data analytics and monitoring systems to track crop growth, yield, and quality. This information can help optimize planting and harvesting schedules.
  12. Collaboration and Networking:

    • Collaborate with neighboring farms to share equipment, resources, and knowledge. This can help reduce transportation and labor costs.
  13. Sustainable Practices:

    • Implement sustainable agricultural practices, such as no-till farming and integrated pest management, to reduce the environmental impact and enhance resource efficiency.

By combining these strategies and adopting appropriate automation technologies, you can optimize the process of feeding animals from agricultural fields while minimizing costs, reducing waste, and achieving efficient land usage. Additionally, sustainable practices will contribute to the long-term health of your agricultural operations.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Google testing if AI can write news - but insists it won't replace journalists

 The search giant's experiment comes amid a bitter battle with the Canadian government over legislation that would force tech companies to compensate news publishers whose content ends up on their platforms.Google is testing whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to write news articles - but insists it won't replace journalists.

A spokesperson for the search giant said it was in the "earliest stages of exploring ideas" for how the technology could enhance "work and productivity" in a newsroom.

They cited coming up with headlines and suggesting different writing styles as examples of what AI could do.

"Quite simply, these tools are not intended to, and cannot, replace the essential role journalists have in reporting, creating and fact-checking their articles," the spokesperson added.

But executives at publishers who have seen Google's pitch said it was unsettling, The New York Times reported.

The paper was the first to reveal the company's plans for AI-powered journalism on Wednesday.

It said it had held talks with Google, as had fellow US outlets The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal - plus Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the publishing empire behind The Sun and The Times.

Asked about the report, a News Corp spokesperson said: "We have an excellent relationship with Google, and we appreciate [Google CEO] Sundar Pichai's long-term commitment to journalism."How Google uses news

Google relies on publishers for its Google News service, which aggregates articles.

Its search results are also often made up of stories from mainstream and local media outlets.

Last month, it announced it would remove links from Canadian publishers when the country's government enacts legislation requiring tech firms to negotiate pay deals with them.

Canadian media has long complained that tech companies are piggybacking off their work and costing them advertising revenue. Google has argued the new law is a "link tax" that would "break" the internet.

Facebook owner Meta also opposes the law and is pulling links to Canadian outlets from its platforms.Are AI newsrooms the future?

The New York Times report comes after the Associated Press, one of the world's biggest news agencies, revealed it would partner with ChatGPT creator OpenAI to explore how it could use generative AI.

Other outlets have provided warnings as to the risks, with technology news site CNET forced to admit it had used generative AI to write articles after embarrassing errors were pointed out in published stories.

The Irish Times also had to apologise for publishing an opinion article generated by AI.

Professor Charlie Beckett of the London School of Economics' JournalismAI initiative, which helps outlets looking to leverage AI responsibly, has said "a lot of newsrooms are thinking through" what to do with the tech.

But "if we all get lazy and expect ChatGPT to write our stories and scripts, they may get worse", he warned.

AI on what are the various machines available to create electricity from the Blue screen and UV light of the telvision and PC, laptops to create electricity on the fly and store in their batteries or other devices

Converting energy from the blue light (such as blue screens) and UV light emitted by televisions, PCs, laptops, and other electronic devices into electricity is an emerging area of research and development. While this technology is still in its early stages, there are a few concepts and technologies being explored for this purpose:

  1. Quantum Dot Solar Cells: Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor particles that can be engineered to absorb specific wavelengths of light, including blue and UV light. Quantum dot solar cells are designed to capture this light and convert it into electricity. These cells can be integrated into the screens of electronic devices.

  2. Transparent Solar Panels: Transparent solar panels are designed to allow visible light to pass through while capturing UV and infrared light for energy generation. They can be integrated into windows or screens, potentially including those of electronic devices.

  3. Photovoltaic Coatings: Photovoltaic coatings or films can be applied to the screens or surfaces of electronic devices to convert light, including blue and UV light, into electricity. These coatings are typically made from organic or inorganic materials.

  4. UV Energy Harvesting: Ultraviolet (UV) energy harvesting technologies are being developed to capture UV light and convert it into electricity. These technologies can be integrated into electronic devices and may include UV-sensitive materials or photovoltaic cells optimized for UV light.

  5. Energy-Harvesting Screens: Some researchers are exploring the concept of energy-harvesting screens that can capture ambient light, including blue and UV light, and convert it into electricity to power the device or extend its battery life.

  6. Nanogenerators: Nanogenerators are tiny devices that can generate electricity from mechanical movements or vibrations. While they don't directly convert light into electricity, they can be integrated into electronic devices to capture energy from user interactions, which can include touching the screen or pressing keys on a keyboard.

  7. Flexible and Wearable Solar Cells: Flexible and wearable solar cells can be integrated into wearable devices, including smartwatches and clothing, to capture various forms of light, including blue and UV light, and convert it into electricity.

It's important to note that while these technologies show promise, they are still evolving and may not provide significant power output compared to traditional energy sources. The efficiency of light-to-electricity conversion is a critical factor, and researchers are continually working to improve it.

Additionally, the practical implementation of these technologies in consumer electronics depends on factors such as cost-effectiveness, durability, and compatibility with existing device designs. As these technologies mature, we may see more widespread adoption and integration into electronic devices to enhance their energy efficiency and reduce reliance on traditional power sources.

AI automation machines to convert silica from sand from desert like sahara to electric circuits and other reusable substance used in beauty, hospitals, etc.

 AI automation machines can be used to convert silica from sand to electric circuits and other reusable substances used in beauty, hospitals, etc. Here are some examples:

  • AI-powered robots: AI-powered robots can be used to mine sand and transport it to processing facilities. They can also be used to perform tasks such as sorting, crushing, and purifying the sand.

  • AI-powered 3D printers: AI-powered 3D printers can be used to print electric circuits and other objects from silica. AI can be used to optimize the printing process and ensure that the printed objects are of high quality.

  • AI-powered chemical processing systems: AI-powered chemical processing systems can be used to convert silica into other reusable substances, such as silicon dioxide nanoparticles and silica gel. AI can be used to optimize the chemical processes and ensure that the products are of high quality.

Here are some specific examples of reusable substances that can be made from silica:

  • Silicon dioxide nanoparticles: Silicon dioxide nanoparticles can be used in a variety of products, including cosmetics, food additives, and medical devices. They can also be used to make solar cells and other electronic devices.

  • Silica gel: Silica gel is a desiccant that can be used to remove moisture from the air. It is also used in a variety of products, such as cat litter and air fresheners.

  • Electric circuits: Electric circuits can be printed from silica using AI-powered 3D printers. This could revolutionize the way that electronic devices are manufactured.

The use of AI automation machines to convert silica from sand to electric circuits and other reusable substances has a number of potential benefits. First, it can help to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing. Second, it can help to create new jobs and industries. Third, it can help to make products more affordable and accessible.

However, there are also some potential challenges associated with this technology. One challenge is that it is still under development. Another challenge is that it could lead to job losses in some industries. Finally, it is important to ensure that this technology is used in a responsible and ethical way.

Overall, the use of AI automation machines to convert silica from sand to electric circuits and other reusable substances has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing and create a more sustainable future.

The process of converting silica from sand into electric circuits or other reusable substances is a complex and highly specialized manufacturing process. While AI can play a role in optimizing and automating certain aspects of the production process, it's essential to understand that this involves several intricate steps and technologies. Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Silica Extraction: The first step is to extract silica from sand. This often involves a chemical extraction process that separates the silica from other minerals present in the sand.

  2. Purification: The extracted silica needs to be purified to remove impurities and achieve the desired level of purity for semiconductor applications. Multiple purification steps may be involved.

  3. Crystal Growth: In semiconductor manufacturing, high-purity silica is used to grow single-crystal silicon ingots. This step involves melting the purified silica and carefully cooling it to form a single crystal structure.

  4. Wafer Fabrication: The single-crystal silicon is then sliced into thin wafers, which serve as the substrate for semiconductor devices. AI can be used to optimize the precision cutting process and minimize material waste.

  5. Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: The wafers go through a series of complex processes, including photolithography, etching, doping, and deposition, to create semiconductor devices like microchips and transistors. AI and automation play a significant role in controlling and monitoring these processes to ensure precision and consistency.

  6. Quality Control: AI systems are used for quality control and inspection throughout the manufacturing process, helping identify defects and ensuring the final products meet stringent quality standards.

  7. Packaging and Testing: After manufacturing, semiconductor devices are packaged and tested to ensure they function correctly. AI can assist in test automation and data analysis.

  8. Reuse and Recycling: Efforts to recycle and reuse materials from semiconductor manufacturing, including silicon wafers, are essential for sustainability. AI can optimize recycling processes and minimize waste.

  9. Applications in Other Industries: Silica extracted from sand can also be used in various other industries, including beauty products, healthcare (e.g., in pharmaceuticals), and construction (e.g., in concrete). The specific processes for these applications may differ from semiconductor manufacturing.

In summary, while AI can be applied to optimize various aspects of silica-based material manufacturing, it is just one component of a highly specialized and intricate process. Successful implementation requires expertise in materials science, chemistry, semiconductor manufacturing, and automation. Additionally, environmental considerations and recycling practices are becoming increasingly important in the manufacturing industry to reduce waste and environmental impact.

AI on Harvesting minerals, metals, and other natural resources from the moon using various machines to be reused on earth

Harvesting minerals, metals, and other resources from the Moon for use on Earth is an ambitious idea that has gained attention in recent years due to advancements in space technology. While the concept is feasible in theory, it involves numerous technical, economic, and logistical challenges. Here's an overview of the steps and considerations involved:

1. Resource Identification: Identify and map potential resource-rich areas on the Moon using satellite data and lunar missions. Lunar regolith (soil) contains valuable materials such as oxygen, water ice, helium-3, and various metals.

2. Lunar Mining Techniques: Develop specialized mining equipment suitable for the Moon's low gravity and vacuum environment. Techniques might include excavation, drilling, and material processing systems.

3. Resource Extraction: Extract materials like water ice, which can be converted into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel or life support. Helium-3 could potentially be used for future nuclear fusion energy production on Earth.

4. Processing and Refining: Process raw materials on the Moon into usable forms. This might involve refining metals, extracting volatiles from regolith, and converting water ice into hydrogen and oxygen.

5. Transportation: Develop efficient transport systems to move harvested resources from the Moon to Earth. This could involve using lunar surface vehicles, lunar orbiting stations, and reusable spacecraft.

6. Earth Entry and Utilization: Design reentry and landing systems to safely deliver resources to Earth's surface. Once back on Earth, the harvested resources could be used for space exploration, energy production, manufacturing, or other industries.

7. Economic Viability: Assess the economic feasibility of lunar resource utilization. The costs of mining, processing, transportation, and returning resources to Earth need to be balanced against the potential benefits.

8. International Cooperation and Regulations: Coordinate international efforts and establish agreements regarding the use and ownership of lunar resources. The Outer Space Treaty and other agreements would need to be considered.

9. Environmental and Ethical Considerations: Evaluate the potential environmental impacts of lunar resource extraction and ensure ethical practices are followed to minimize any negative effects.

10. Technological Advances: Develop new technologies and innovative solutions to overcome challenges posed by the lunar environment, including extreme temperature fluctuations and low gravity.

It's important to note that while the idea of lunar resource utilization is being explored by space agencies and private companies, there are still many technical, economic, and regulatory hurdles to overcome. As of my last update in September 2021, no large-scale lunar resource harvesting operations have been established. The feasibility of such endeavors will depend on advancements in technology, international collaboration, economic viability, and the evolving space exploration landscape.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

how to earn revenue from the China’s 1.425 billion population of china using various AI automated machines and natural ways

 Earning revenue from China's massive population of 1.425 billion people can be a lucrative opportunity. Leveraging AI and automation alongside natural methods can help you tap into this market. Here are some strategies:

1. E-Commerce and Online Marketplaces:

  • Set up an e-commerce business that sells products, both locally and internationally. Utilize AI for personalized product recommendations, chatbots for customer service, and automation for order processing.

2. Mobile Apps:

  • Develop mobile apps catering to specific needs of Chinese consumers, such as e-learning, gaming, health, and finance apps. Use AI for app personalization.

3. Online Content Creation:

  • Create online content, such as blogs, videos, or podcasts, in niches that appeal to Chinese audiences. AI can help with content recommendations and translation.

4. Education and E-Learning:

  • Offer online courses or tutoring services in subjects like language learning, STEM, or vocational skills. AI can personalize learning paths.

5. Healthcare and Telemedicine:

  • Develop telemedicine platforms that connect patients with healthcare providers. AI can assist in medical diagnosis and patient management.

6. Smart Manufacturing:

  • Invest in smart manufacturing with AI-driven production lines to create products for both local and global markets.

7. Financial Technology (Fintech):

  • Develop fintech solutions like digital payment systems, robo-advisors, or peer-to-peer lending platforms.

8. Agriculture and Agtech:

  • Explore agricultural technologies that enhance crop production and quality. AI can optimize farming processes.

9. Renewable Energy:

  • Invest in renewable energy projects, such as solar or wind farms, to address China's environmental concerns.

10. Tourism and Hospitality:

- Build or partner with hotels, resorts, or travel agencies to attract tourists to China. AI can assist with booking and personalized travel experiences.

11. Entertainment and Media:

- Create and distribute entertainment content, such as movies, music, or online games, and use AI for content recommendation and user engagement.

12. Cultural Exchanges:

- Organize cultural exchange programs, language courses, and experiences for Chinese tourists or students.

13. Green and Sustainable Products:

- Offer eco-friendly and sustainable products that resonate with the environmentally conscious Chinese market.

14. Market Research and Data Analytics:

- Provide market research and data analytics services to help businesses understand and tap into the Chinese market.

15. Cross-Border E-Commerce:

- Facilitate cross-border trade between China and other countries by offering logistics, translation, and market entry services.

To succeed in the Chinese market, it's essential to adapt to local regulations, cultural norms, and consumer preferences. Collaborate with local partners and consider localizing your offerings. Additionally, ensure compliance with data protection laws, which are evolving in China.

Remember that the Chinese market is highly competitive, so thorough market research and understanding of consumer behavior are crucial. Leveraging AI for personalization and data-driven decision-making can provide a competitive edge.There are a number of ways to earn revenue from China's 1.425 billion population using various AI automated machines and natural ways. Here are a few ideas:

  • Education: AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to provide educational services to China's large population. For example, AI-powered language learning apps can be used to teach Chinese students English and other languages. AI-powered tutoring platforms can be used to provide personalized tutoring to students. AI-powered educational games can be used to engage students and make learning more fun.
  • Healthcare: AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to provide healthcare services to China's large population. For example, AI-powered robots can be used to perform surgery and other medical procedures. AI-powered software can be used to diagnose diseases and to develop treatment plans. Natural products such as herbal medicines can be used to treat a variety of conditions.
  • Transportation: AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to provide transportation services to China's large population. For example, AI-powered self-driving cars and buses can be used to transport people around cities. AI-powered traffic management systems can be used to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. Natural fuels such as biodiesel can be used to power vehicles.
  • Energy: AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to generate and distribute energy to China's large population. For example, AI-powered renewable energy systems such as solar and wind farms can be used to generate clean energy. AI-powered smart grids can be used to distribute energy more efficiently and reliably. Natural gas can be used to generate electricity and to heat homes and businesses.
  • Agriculture: AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to improve agricultural productivity and to reduce food waste in China. For example, AI-powered robots can be used to harvest crops and to milk cows. AI-powered precision agriculture systems can be used to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Natural farming practices such as crop rotation and composting can be used to improve soil fertility and to reduce the need for chemical inputs.

These are just a few examples of how AI automated machines and natural ways can be used to earn revenue from China's 1.425 billion population. By using these technologies, businesses can create new products and services, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. This can lead to increased revenue and profitability.

It is important to note that some of the above approaches may require an investment in AI technology or natural resources. However, the long-term savings and benefits can be significant.

By using AI automated machines and natural ways, we can create a more sustainable and efficient way to meet the needs of China's large population. This can benefit both businesses and consumers.

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Regression Tutorial with the Keras Deep Learning Library in Python

 Keras is a deep learning library that wraps the efficient numerical libraries Theano and TensorFlow. In this post, you will discover how t...