Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Introducing DEVIKA - An Open Source AI Software Enginner

 In the domain of software development st. a introduces DEA an open-source AI software engineer redefining the software building process DEA excels in interpreting complex human instructions breaking them down into manageable tasks conducting thorough research and crafting code to meet specific goals as a formal open source rival to Davin by cognition AI DEA aims to democratize intelligence software development tools dea's key featur includes AI driving planning and reasoning real-time progress monitoring contextual keyword extraction organized project management flexible architecture for new features and integration multilingual code generation effortless web browsing and research and a conversational interface for natural language interaction these capabilities Empower DVA to navigate software engineering complexities seamlessly user can monitor dva's progress dynamically ensuring transparency and adaptability in project management DEA emerges as a comprehensive solution revolutionizing software development through its Advanced capabilities and user Centric design so before moving on to how to install DEA here is a quick info for you if you want to switch careers with AI anml then try giving simply Lars postgraduate program in Ai and machine learning from PD University in collaboration with IBM this course teaches in demand skills such as machine learning deep learning NLP computer vision reinforcement learning generative AI prompt engineering chat GPT and many more so don't forget to check out the course link from the description box and pin comments so let's get started so as you can see this is a GitHub page so if you will go below so these are the table of contents you can see about key features system architecture of DEA quick start how to install so getting started so here you can see DEA is an advanced AI software engineer that can understand high level human instruction P down okay so these are some demos pre-recorded by uh the team of DEA right so as you can see here so it's pre-recorded see if you have to give just prompt and it will create the particular uh UI for you okay or you can say game whatever you want to build see how see these are some pre-recorded demos by the DEA team okay or you can say stan. AI so these are some key features of DEA as we discussed already and system architecture you can see user interface agent core user interface is a web based okay chat interface for interacting with DEA you have to give some apis so later we will discuss about that so these are some prequest of to install DEA okay you have UV python package manager then bun you have to JavaScript runtime bun you have to install then AMA you have to install all okay if you like don't here it is written if you don't want to use the local models then you can skip this step but if you want to install DEA locally you have to install this AMA okay a like simple you can go here and you can download AMA see Mac OS Linux windows it's already there you can download it and install it I have already installed in my system right so let's start with the installation okay see here it's already written DEA requires the following things as dependencies first is AMA and second is bun bun bun is the same process you can go just you can choose your system MOS Linux or Windows and then you can copy it and then you can pay into paste it into your power shell or command Pro anything right so now let's start so here we first we have to clone the DEA repository right you can clone it from here okay download it from here or you can just directly copy this copy this code and paste it to your command PR okay see I have already installed so it is saying fatal error destination paa already exist and it is not an empty directory got it so what I have to do I have to change DEA okay I will change the ttop ttop okay now I will paste it see now it's cloning into DEA okay so so cloning is done as you can see done no error is G so now CD DEA okay CD DEA okay now we are into DEA folder okay so if you want to see I will show youa as you can see so these are the repository we got after cloning DEA okay so now what we have to do create a virtual environment and install the required dep dencies then UV V andv we have to copy and paste it okay it's running yeah it's done activated and then UV pip install our requirement. dxt or we have to write okay let's copy first and paste it here see we are installing the r requirements uh dependencies okay so I will share you this particular Link giab Link in the description box below you can take it from there okay so now yeah it's done okay so what was that uh yeah requirements if we will check requirements here where are the requirements architecture see requirements you can see see we got all the requirements okay so what what is the next oh okay this is already done so okay play right install D with depths okay installs Browser in Play right and there are depths dependen is in if required okay I will copy it I will paste it so these are some simple steps you can use a VI installing DEA okay so we are done with this so now the major part set up necessary API keys and configuration so now let's see what are these first okay so you have to set some storage for the DEA right some API keys so these will be your personal API Keys okay so I have done it already I will show you so there is one file config TL so this is how uh you have to set your API Keys here I have set the open AI API key right you can use Bing Bing Google any whatever you want okay as you can see you can use gini API key Mel Gru netlify CLA Google search engine ID Google search Bing you can use any but I use this open ai1 okay why this is blur because I can share API Keys you with you guys okay so this is how you can set your API key okay into your this config dotl file right so after that there is one step called python D.P so what I will do I will write here so I open this DEA folder into this VSS code so I will write here python da py okay I will run it so it is initializing DEA right so it will take time some time it will take so after that what you can do you can just simply CD UI then burn install then burn run there right after that you can access the DEA web interface by opening into browser this is the local the G after running your API you can simply write in the web sttp right this is the local IP they gave so after that it will the DEA will run okay so this is all about DEViKA so with this we have come to end of this video if you have any question regarding this topics please comment down below.

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