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Thursday 17 October 2024

How to Plan and Run Machine Learning Experiments Systematically

 Machine learning experiments can take a long time. Hours, days, and even weeks in some cases.

This gives you a lot of time to think and plan for additional experiments to perform.

In addition, the average applied machine learning project may require tens to hundreds of discrete experiments in order to find a data preparation model and model configuration that gives good or great performance.

The drawn-out nature of the experiments means that you need to carefully plan and manage the order and type of experiments that you run.

You need to be systematic.

In this post, you will discover a simple approach to plan and manage your machine learning experiments.

With this approach, you will be able to:

  • Stay on top of the most important questions and findings in your project.
  • Keep track of what experiments you have completed and would like to run.
  • Zoom in on the data preparations, models, and model configurations that give the best performance.

Let’s dive in.

How to Plan and Run Machine Learning Experiments Systematically

How to Plan and Run Machine Learning Experiments Systematically
Photo by Qfamily, some rights reserved.

Confusion of Hundreds of Experiments

I like to run experiments overnight. Lots of experiments.

This is so that when I wake up, I can check results, update my ideas of what is working (and what is not), and kick off the next round of experiments, then spend some time analyzing the findings.

I hate wasting time.

And I hate running experiments that do not get me closer to the goal of finding the most skillful model, given the time and resources I have available.

It is easy to lose track of where you’re up to. Especially after you have results, analysis, and findings from hundreds of experiments.

Poor management of your experiments can lead to bad situations where:

  • You’re watching experiments run.
  • You’re trying to come up with good ideas of experiments to run right after a current batch has finished.
  • You run an experiment that you had already run before.

You never want to be in any of these situations!

If you are on top of your game, then:

  • You know exactly what experiments you have run at a glance and what the findings were.
  • You have a long list of experiments to run, ordered by their expected payoff.
  • You have the time to dive into the analysis of results and think up new and wild ideas to try.

But how can we stay on top of hundreds of experiments?

Design and Run Experiments Systematically

One way that I have found to help me be systematic with experiments on a project is to use a spreadsheet.

Manage the experiments you have done, that are running, and that you want to run in a spreadsheet.

It is simple and effective.


It is simple in that I or anyone can access it from anywhere and see where we’re at.

I use Google Docs to host the spreadsheet.

There’s no code. No notebook. No fancy web app.

Just a spreadsheet.


It’s effective because it only contains the information needed with one line per experiment and one column for each piece of information to track on the experiment.

Experiments that are done can be separated from those that are planned.

Only experiments that are planned are set-up and run and their order ensures that the most important experiments are run first.

You will be surprised at how much such a simple approach can free up your time and get you thinking deeply about your project.

Example Spreadsheet

Let’s look at an example.

We can imagine a spreadsheet with the columns below.

These are just an example from the last project I worked on. I recommend adapting these to your own needs.

  • Sub-Project: A subproject may be a group of ideas you are exploring, a technique, a data preparation, and so on.
  • Context: The context may be the specific objective such as beating a baseline, tuning, a diagnostic, and so on.
  • Setup: The setup is the fixed configuration of the experiment.
  • Name: The name is the unique identifier, perhaps the filename of the script.
  • Parameter: The parameter is the thing being varied or looked at in the experiment.
  • Values: The value is the value or values of the parameter that are being explored in the experiment.
  • Status: The status is the status of the experiment, such as planned, running, or done.
  • Skill: The skill is the North Star metric that really matters on the project, like accuracy or error.
  • Question: The question is the motivating question the experiment seeks to address.
  • Finding: The finding is the one line summary of the outcome of the experiment, the answer to the question.

To make this concrete, below is a screenshot of a Google Doc spreadsheet with these column headings and a contrived example.

Systematic Experimental Record

Systematic Experimental Record

I cannot say how much time this approach has saved me. And the number of assumptions that it proved wrong in the pursuit of getting top results.

In fact, I’ve discovered that deep learning methods are often quite hostile to assumptions and defaults. Keep this in mind when designing experiments!

Get The Most Out of Your Experiments

Below are some tips that will help you get the most out of this simple approach on your project.

  • Brainstorm: Make the time to frequently review findings and list new questions and experiments to answer them.
  • Challenge: Challenge assumptions and challenge previous findings. Play the scientist and design experiments that would falsify your findings or expectations.
  • Sub-Projects: Consider the use of sub-projects to structure your investigation where you follow leads or investigate specific methods.
  • Experimental Order: Use the row order as a priority to ensure that the most important experiments are run first.
  • Deeper Analysis: Save deeper analysis of results and aggregated findings to another document; the spreadsheet is not the place.
  • Experiment Types: Don’t be afraid to mix-in different experiment types such as grid searching, spot checks, and model diagnostics.

You will know that this approach is working well when:

  • You are scouring API documentation and papers for more ideas of things to try.
  • You have far more experiments queued up than resources to run them.
  • You are thinking seriously about hiring a ton more EC2 instances.


In this post, you discovered how you can effectively manage hundreds of experiments that have run, are running, and that you want to run in a spreadsheet.

You discovered that a simple spreadsheet can help you:

  • Keep track of what experiments you have run and what you discovered.
  • Keep track of what experiments you want to run and what questions they will answer.
  • Zoom in on the most effective data preparation, model, and model configuration for your predictive modeling problem.

Do you have any questions about this approach? Have you done something similar yourself?
Let me know in the comments below.

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How to Plan and Run Machine Learning Experiments Systematically

  Machine learning experiments can take a long time. Hours, days, and even weeks in some cases. This gives you a lot of time to think and pl...