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Monday 14 October 2024

AI:python code for **Job Opportunity: Implementation of a German Medical LLM for Radiology Reports** We are seeking a skilled individual to integrate a publicly available large language model (LLM) into our research processes. The primary focus will be on leveraging an untrained German medical LLM to enhance our analysis of radiology reports. Below are the key requirements and responsibilities for this role: 1. **Model Utilization**: The ideal candidate will utilize an untrained, publicly accessible German medical LLM. While we can provide some initial training documentation, we do not have the capacity or inclination to engage in extensive model training. 2. **Report Analysis**: The LLM will be tasked with reviewing radiology reports and flagging or classifying them based on specific user inquiries, such as identifying the presence of new fractures. 3. **Text Correction and Organization**: The model should possess the capability to read and rectify typographical errors in the reports. Additionally, it should be able to categorize the reports semantically, prioritizing abnormal findings within specified body regions before listing normal findings. 4. **Implementation Requirements**: We require a straightforward implementation process, ideally involving an environment file and easily pasteable code for integration into an integrated development environment (IDE). We would like to include specific queries for the LLM to address, but we are open to suggestions as long as the implementation remains user-friendly. If you have the expertise to assist us in this project, we would love to hear from you. We believe this task should be relatively simple to execute with the right approach.


Python Code for German Medical LLM Integration

Note: This code provides a basic framework for integrating a German medical LLM into your radiology report analysis. You'll need to replace placeholders with your specific LLM and data details.

import torch
import transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

# Load the pretrained German medical LLM (replace with your chosen model)
model_name = "path/to/your/german_medical_llm"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)

def    analyze_report(report_text):
    """Analyzes a radiology report using the LLM.

        report_text (str): The text of the radiology report.

        dict: A dictionary containing the analysis results, including flagged findings and semantic categorization.

    # Tokenize the report text
    inputs = tokenizer(report_text, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True)

    # Get the model's predictions
    outputs = model(**inputs)
    predictions = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=1)

    # Interpret the predictions and generate analysis results
    # ... (Your logic for mapping predictions to specific findings and categories)

    return analysis_results

# Example usage
report_text = "Radiology report for patient XYZ: ... (report content)"
analysis_results = analyze_report(report_text)


  1. Import necessary libraries: Import torch for tensor operations, transformers for pre-trained models, and the specific model classes from transformers.
  2. Load the LLM: Load the pre-trained German medical LLM using AutoTokenizer and AutoModelForSequenceClassification. Replace model_name with the actual path to your model.
  3. Define the analyze_report function: This function takes the report text as input and returns the analysis results.
  4. Tokenize the report: Use the tokenizer to convert the report text into numerical tokens that the model can understand.
  5. Get model predictions: Pass the tokenized inputs to the model to get the predicted class labels.
  6. Interpret predictions: Implement your logic to map the predicted class labels to specific findings and semantic categories.

Additional Considerations:

  • Fine-tuning: If necessary, you can fine-tune the LLM on a dataset of labeled radiology reports to improve its performance on specific tasks.
  • Error handling: Implement error handling to gracefully handle cases where the model fails to produce accurate results.
  • User interface: Consider creating a user-friendly interface for interacting with the LLM and viewing the analysis results.
  • Deployment: Deploy the application to a suitable environment (e.g., cloud platform, local server) for accessibility.

Remember to replace placeholders with your specific LLM model path and adjust the analysis logic based on your requirements.


To implement a German medical large language model (LLM) for analyzing radiology reports, we can create a Python script that integrates with the LLM, allowing for report analysis, text correction, and categorization. Below is an outline of the approach along with sample code that meets your requirements.

### 1. Environment Setup

First, create an `environment.yml` file to specify the necessary libraries for the project:


name: medical_llm_integration


  - python=3.8

  - pip

  - pip:

      - transformers

      - torch

      - pandas

      - numpy


### 2. Sample Python Code

Here’s a basic structure for the implementation, including loading the model, analyzing reports, correcting text, and categorizing findings.


import torch

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

class MedicalLLM:

    def __init__(self, model_name: str):

        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

        self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)

    def analyze_report(self, report: str):

        # Generate response from the LLM

        inputs = self.tokenizer(report, return_tensors="pt")

        outputs = self.model.generate(**inputs, max_length=500)

        response = self.tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

        return response

    def correct_text(self, report: str):

        # Simple typo correction logic (could be expanded)

        corrected_report = report.replace("Fractur", "Fraktur")

        return corrected_report

    def categorize_findings(self, report: str):

        abnormal_findings = []

        normal_findings = []

        # Example keyword identification (this could be made more sophisticated)

        if "Fraktur" in report:

            abnormal_findings.append("Fraktur detected.")

        if "normal" in report:

            normal_findings.append("Normal findings reported.")

        return {

            "abnormal": abnormal_findings,

            "normal": normal_findings


# Example usage

if __name__ == "__main__":

    model_name = "deepset/german-medical-llm"  # Replace with the actual model name

    llm = MedicalLLM(model_name)

    sample_report = "Der Patient hat eine Fractur in der linken Hand. Sonst sind die Ergebnisse normal."


    # Correct the text

    corrected_report = llm.correct_text(sample_report)

    print("Corrected Report:", corrected_report)

    # Analyze the report

    analysis_result = llm.analyze_report(corrected_report)

    print("Analysis Result:", analysis_result)

    # Categorize findings

    categories = llm.categorize_findings(corrected_report)

    print("Categorized Findings:", categories)


### 3. Implementation Steps

1. **Install Dependencies**: Use the `environment.yml` file to create a conda environment.


   conda env create -f environment.yml

   conda activate medical_llm_integration


2. **Run the Code**: Save the Python code in a file (e.g., `medical_llm.py`) and execute it to see how it processes the sample report.

### 4. Custom Queries

You can easily extend the `analyze_report` method to accept specific queries or user inputs that the model should respond to, enhancing user interactivity.

### Conclusion

This is a foundational setup that you can build upon based on your specific needs. Make sure to test the model with actual radiology reports to refine the text correction and categorization logic. If you have specific queries in mind, those can be integrated into the analysis logic as well.

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