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Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Italy's KITEnergy Converts High Altitude Winds to Electricity

 According to a recent report from Ecofys and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) all but five percent of the world's energy needs could be met from renewable sources by 2050.

In Turin, Italy, KITEnergy has a radical new idea about converting high altitude wind energy into electricity and truly embracing renewable energy.

Their solution? A kite.

KITEnergy takes advantage of the high altitude wind way up in the troposphere and converts it into electricity through tethered airfoils, these actually look like kites you would use in windsurfing.  It's quite simple. Two hi-tech cables link the kite to an electric generator on the ground where the electrical power is generated. The kites sail from around 600 to 1,000 meters above the ground while tethered to the cables. And guess what? At 600 to 1,000 meters above the ground, no matter where you are in the world, there is a strong and steady wind at those heights.

The high-altitude wind of the troposphere is an untapped energy source that is larger than the world's current energy needs. To give a little perspective, in 2010 global energy consumption was 474 exajoules. Wind energy alone has the potential to generate in excess of 600 exajoules annually.  The troposphere (surface level up to 2,400 meters), in case you forgot from your 8th grade studies, is the lowest part of the Earth's atmosphere where most weather happens  - it's turbulent and full of wind.

The kites are tracked using on-board wireless instrumentation and powered by an automatic control unit that pulls the lines to influence the wing motion. Electricity is generated on the ground by converting the traction on the airfoil lines into electrical power.

Just don't think turf, think surf too. The company has also looked at the offshore application of the kites to extract energy from the wind flows blowing between 200 and 800 meters above sea level.

KITEnergy technology is a protoptype but has been tested in collaboration with Politecnico of Torino since 2010. It will be in operation later this year.

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