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Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Convolution Neural Network (CNN) for Video Processing

 The past decade focused on Image Processing. Recently it is being found that many have shown their keen interest in Video

Processing. Convolution Neural Network (CNN) showed extraordinary results in the field of image processing; now we wish to
bring the same computation power in video processing too. This paper deals with the detailed study of CNN which is used for

video processing. This research paper is expected to provide a review on how CNN i
s applicable for video processing. We also
have discussed the architecture of CNN. This paper also highlights the different models of CNN present for the task of video

processing and their functionality.

KEYWORDS:CNN, Video Processing, ANN.

CNN has become very popular in the world due to its
computational power. CNN is capable of dealing with
almost all computer vision problems. At its earlier
phase CNN was used for the purpose of image
processing. It was applied for the task of face
recognition, emotion recognition, object tracking, action
recognition. The reason CNN is used to solve almost all
possible problems of computer vision is the high
accuracy that it provides for all the problems.

LeNet was the pioneering work in Convolutional
Neural Networks by LeCun et al. in 1990 [1]. CNN can
perform this task with the help of the neurons and their
interconnections present inside the layers. Neurons are
basically the learning blocks used to extract the features
of the input data. With the increase in the complexity of
the network the depth of these interconnections is
increased, increasing the computational power of CNN.
For example, AlexNet - one of the most representative
CNNs, has 650K neurons and 60M related parameters
[2]. CNN uses various BP(Back-propagation)
algorithms to achieve this complex task.
Video processing remained untouched for a
handful of years. Traditional video processing involves
the image processing techniques which were used for
feature extraction from the videos and then produce the
desired results. The major task in video processing
involves the extraction of spatio-temporal features. The
other challenging part in video processing is the size of
a video and its dimensions.

148 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
Figure 1- Video Data
Figure 1 gives the rough idea of video data. Most of
the fundamental research of computer vision today
focuses on images, focusing less on sequences of
images, i.e., video frames. However, video data
provides deeper situational understanding because a
series of images gives various information about the
subject. For example, we can track an object through an
optical flow of the sequence of images and predict its
next action [3]


In a paper proposed by [4] presented a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) of video processing using DL.
They investigated the applications, functionalities,
techniques, datasets, issues, and challenges by
formulating the relevant research questions (RQs).
They categorize the deep learning technique for video
processing as CNN, DNN, and RNN based.
Paper [5] provided a review of advancement in
applying DL techniques for STDM. They first
categorize spatio-temporal data into 5 types, and then
introduced the DL models widely used in STDM. Next,
they classified literature on the basis of types of
spatio-temporal data, data mining tasks, and also the
DL models, followed by the diffrent applications of
deep learning for STDM in different domains including
transportation, on-demand service, climate & weather
analysis, human mobility, location-based social
network, crime analysis, and neuroscience. Finally, they
conclude the limitations of current research and point
out future research directions.
[6] discusses the basics of ANN as tool for
recognition of complex pattern and image processing
tasks. Also, some applications of the CNN tool we will
present OCR based text translation and biometric based
uni modal and multimodal person identification

[7] presented CNN EXPLAINER, which is an
interactive visualization tool, which is designed for
amateurs to learn CNN and examine it. It is a
foundational deep learning model architecture. There
tool addressed key challenges that they faced while
learning about CNN, which they had identified from
interviews with instructors and a survey with past
students.CNN EXPLAINER helps users understand the
inner workings of CNNs, and is engaging and
enjoyable to use.
[8] presented a survey of recent advances in CNN
architecture design taking into account the three
periods first by improving accuracy, next minimizing
the number of parameters using squeeze architecture,
then CNN model adapted for embedded and mobile

Prior to CNN, ANN
(artificial Neural Network) was
used. ANN was then improved in 3 major aspects to

produce CNN. Those 3 aspects are:

A. Sparse Connectivity

In traditional ANN in order to get n output from m
input matrix multiplication m x n was done. In CNN
only K inputs are interconnected with n output, where
k<n. This correction reduces the time taken by the
algorithm remarkably.

B. Sharing of Parameters / Weights

In ANN the weight vector associated with the input
is used only once. for the next iteration it is updated.
Which means that the same weight cannot be reused.
On the contrary in CNN, components of the kernel are
moved with the activation function to be used
everywhere through the network.

C. Equi-variant Representation

The property in which the overall output
corresponding to the input remains the same even if the
sequence of operation is interchanged is called
CNN is basically a Neural Network; and a neural
network is simply collection and combination of
neurons organized in layered manner. Each neuron is
associated with some weights and a bias. CNN consists
of the following basic blocks.

1. A Tensor, a n-dimensional matrix.

2. A Neuron, it is a function which takes n input and
returns single output.

3. A layer is a collection of artificial neurons that
perform the same operation.

4. Kernel weights, each neuron is trained with some
weights to identify and classify the data set during
149 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
the training phase. They are also associated with
some bias.

CNN can also be viewed as a layered architecture. It
consists of the following layers:

i. Input Layer- An input layer is the first layer of any
neural network. The input to the network is given
through this layer. The input layer has no
computation power; it just takes the input from the
user and passes the input to the next layer in the

Figure2-Basic CNN Architecture

ii. Convolution Layer- Convolution layer can be viewed
as the second layer of any CNN architecture. While
in many CNN models it is viewed as the first layer
for a reason that, Input layer does not compute any
results. It just passes the input to the next layer. We
can say that the convolution layer is the first
computation layer in a CNN architecture. The
convolution layer is foundation of CNN as most of
the computation is done in this layer.

Here dot product is performed with the
predetermined kernels. The dot product can be
between the input and the filters or it can also be of the
filters and the output of the previous layer.
Convolution involves formation of activation map. The
neurons that are arranged in the same feature map
share their weights as a result the CNN is more efficient
than the ANN. These intermediate results are then
summed up with the bias to get an output of the
convolution layer.

The size of the kernel (filter) entirely depends on the
network architecture. There is no direct way to find the
exact size of kernel for the specific input. Multiple sizes
are tested and the optimum filter is selected. The size of
kernels can be 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, etc. The minimum the
size of the filter, higher is the accuracy, higher
computation time. Similarly filters of greater size need
less time for computation, but compromising the
accuracy of the network.

i. Padding- The convolution layer faces some problems
while convolution with the kernels/filters. If we
consider an (n x n) input and we apply the (k x k)
size filter on it, then after convolution we will get the
result in the form (n - k + 1, n - k + 1). For example, if
we take input of size (8 x 8) and we apply a
filter/kernel of size (3 x 3) the output of convolution
will be (6 x 6). Which means every time we do
convolution the input shrinks? The second problem
is that the corner pixels and the pixels at the edge are
used less compared to the middle process during the
convolution. As a result, the information in the
corner and edge pixel is not preserved as well as it
gets preserved in the case of the middle pixel. To
overcome this problem padding is done. Padding
simply involves addition of 0 to the input. This is a
widely used technique. It is known as zero padding.
It helps in preserving the data at the border.

Figure 3- Image after Zero Padding

ii. Kernel Size- Selecting appropriate size kernel/filter is
an important part of this process. Selection of proper
hyperparameter to slide on an input in order to
extract appropriate features so as to classify the
given input. The size of filter may vary according to
the network architecture and dataset but it is greatly
observed that the smaller the size of filter the better
is the performance.

iii. Stride- stride refers to the number of pixels the
kernel/filter to be shifted. If for example we have
taken shride as 1 for a 2 x 2 filter it simply means
that after the dot product of 2 x 2 the kernel/filter
will be shifted one pixel to the right. It works on the
similar principle as kernel size; i.e., smaller the
parameter of stride more feature is extracted from
an input image, higher is the dimension of the
output, and larger the parameter of stride less
150 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
feature is extracted from the input and lesser is the
dimension of the output


The convolution layer is followed by an activation
function. The CNN has harness various activation
functions to express complex features. An activation
function is the unit which is responsible for
determining what information to be transmitted to the
next layer. This activation function is also referred to as
a nonlinear function. A simple activation function looks

Figure 4- Activation Function [9]
CNN is rich in the form of activation functions. Some
of the activations are named here, sigmoidal, tanh,
ReLU, Sigmoidal, Leaky ReLU, Softmax.
The equation of Softmax function used to generate
the final classification probability can be given as:
Pi = 𝑒 𝑎 𝑖
𝑒 𝑎𝑛10
𝑁 =1
Where ai is the ithneuron.[10]
ReLU activation units are used in the output of the
convolution layer and stores the output ReLU
operation in the feature mapped array (FT) in Eq. 2.[11]
FT = ReLU(xi) = max(0, xi) (2)
Slight modification to ReLU resulted in Leaky ReLU
given by Equation (3). [12]
F(x) = 𝑥, 𝑥 ≤ 0
0.01𝑥, 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 (3)
The values of each layer is calculated by function of its
predecessor layers. The first layer is given by [13]
h(1) = g(1)(W(1)x + b(1)) (4)
The following layers are given by
h(i+1) = g(i+1)(W(i+1)h(i) + b(i+1)) (5)

i. Pooling Layer- In a CNN architecture a Convolution
Layer is followed by a Pooling Layer. This Pooling
Layer reduces the spatial dimensionality of the
features extracted by convolution Layer. The major

Significance of the Pooling Layer is that it reduces
the dimensionality without loss of information.
Pooling also helps in generalization and reducing
the problem of overfitting of data. This results in
reducing the complexity of the network.There are
different types of techniques available for pooling
such as, max pooling, L2 Pooling, average pooling,
multiscale, stochastic pooling, spectral pooling,
overlapping, orderless pooling, spatial pyramid
pooling, etc.

ii. Fully Connected Layer- Fully-connected layer is
usually at the end of the Network. Unlike the
convolution and pooling layer, it is not used for local
extraction. It is called fully connected because here
all the neurons are interconnected to other neurons
in the network. The arrangement of neurons is not
spatial in this layer. This layer is also called a Flatten
Layer. Here outputs corresponding to the features
extracted are computed. Mathematically it can be
seen as the scalar product of the kernel/filter and the
extracted features. It converts the n dimensional
output to one dimension as an output.

The classical CNN model is used for image
processing. In the early stages traditional image
processing algorithms were used for video processing.
After seeing the performance results of CNN on
images, CNN was used for video processing. But still
the complete video was not passed to the CNN model.
As the video is a sequence of frames. Those frames are
passed one by one to the CNN model and image
processing is done on those video frames. In video
processing techniques, temporal and spatial
information from videos is exploited. [14]
Recently, CNN is being developed for actual video
processing. Few CNN are mentioned below:

A. Spatial- Temporal CNN

This model was built to overcome the
above-mentioned problem. Spatial- Temporal CNN is
able to overcome this problem due to broad network

i. Single Frame- This is used to extract feature frame by
frame i.e from single frame.

ii. Early Fusion- In this strategy spatial stream and the
temporal stream are combined at the beginning of
151 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
the network. It combines the frames and their
optical flow to produce channel input.

iii. Mid Fusion-Here still frames and their stacted optical
flow are given to spatial stream and temporal
stream. And these two streams extract their own
motion and appearance features. And finally, these
extracted motion feature vectors and appearance
feature vectors are combined to form spatio
temporal feature.

iv. Late Fusion- In the late fusion model it places two
different single-frame networks with shared
parameters at an interval of 15 frames. Then these
two frames are then combined at fully connected

B. Multi-Resolutions CNN

This CNN model works at a much faster rate
compared to other models, but on the contrary, it
requires more time for training and also demands a
high configuration GPU computer. This layer has two
different streams for computation of spatial features
called context stream and Fovea stream.

i. Context stream- This stream learns on low-resolution
frames, 89 x 89 downsized clips at half original

ii. Fovea stream- It learns on high-resolution stream and
is operated only in the middle portion of a frame. 89
x 89 center crop of the original resolution.

C. 3-D Convolution Neural Network

The 3D- CNN is similar to the same 2D - CNN which
we have discussed in the earlier section. They differ in
the following point.

i. 3D- Convolution Layer- In traditional CNN dot
product of input and kernel/filter is done which is
basically dot product of 2 x 2 matrix. 3D CNN also
use the same logic but here the multiplication is
done in pair of 2D matrix.

ii. 3D- Max Pooling Layer- In traditional 2D max-
pooling layer (2 x 2) filter is used which can be
viewed as a square. In 3D max pooling layer (2 x 2 x
2) filter is used which can be viewed as a cube.


This paper is an introduction to the CNN (Convolution
Neural Network). In this survey paper we tried to
explain the working of CNN in a manner which can be
understood even to an amateur. CNN has bought a
revolutionary change in Computer Vision. We have
also taken in consideration a few CNN architectures
which are used for video processing and discussed
their working. In its early stages CNN was used for
image processing. Due to its outstanding results CNN
is being used even for Video Processing

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