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Tuesday, 7 September 2021

AI:what companies AI automated machines area available for sugarcane plantation, ripeneing, harvesting and auto converting into juice, jaggery and remains to reusable energies

 There are a number of AI-automated machines available for sugarcane plantation, ripening, harvesting, and auto converting into juice, jaggery and remains to FF reusable energies. Some of the companies that offer these machines include:

  • CNH Industrial (Case IH): CNH Industrial is an American multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, and sells agricultural, construction, and industrial vehicles. The company offers a range of AI-powered sugarcane machines, including harvesters, threshers, and shredders.

  • New Holland Agriculture: New Holland Agriculture is an Italian multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, and sells agricultural, construction, and industrial vehicles. The company offers a range of AI-powered sugarcane harvesting machines, including harvesters, threshers, and shredders.

  • AGCO Corporation: AGCO Corporation is an American agricultural machinery manufacturer. The company offers a range of AI-powered sugarcane harvesting machines, including harvesters, threshers, and shredders.

  • CLAAS: CLAAS is a German agricultural machinery manufacturer. The company offers a range of AI-powered sugarcane harvesting machines, including harvesters, threshers, and shredders.

  • Kubota: Kubota Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, and sells agricultural, construction, and industrial machinery. The company offers a range of AI-powered sugarcane harvesters, threshers, and shredders.

These are just a few examples of the many companies that offer AI-automated machines for sugarcane plantation, ripening, harvesting, and auto converting into juice, jaggery and remains to FF reusable energies. The specific machines that are available will vary depending on the size and needs of the farm.

In addition to these companies, there are a number of startups that are developing AI-powered sugarcane machines. These startups are typically focused on developing more efficient and sustainable machines that can help to reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production.

The use of AI-automated machines in sugarcane production can offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency: AI-powered machines can help to improve the efficiency of sugarcane production by automating tasks that are currently done manually. This can free up workers to focus on other tasks and can also reduce the risk of injury.
  • Improved accuracy: AI-powered machines can help to improve the accuracy of sugarcane production by providing real-time data and insights into the condition of the crop. This can help farmers to make better decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting.
  • Reduced environmental impact: AI-powered machines can help to reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production by using less water and energy. They can also help to reduce the amount of waste that is generated by the process.

As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovation in the use of AI-automated machines for sugarcane production. These machines have the potential to revolutionize the industry and help to make sugarcane production more sustainable and efficient.There are several companies that offer AI automated machines for sugarcane plantation, ripening, harvesting and conversion into juice, jaggery and renewable energy. Some of them are:

•  Bevap: A Brazilian company that uses artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to optimize the harvest and transport of sugarcane. Bevap has achieved 8% increased efficiency and reduced costs by automating the process of harvesting, transshipment, digital certification and telemetry of sugarcanehttps://www.futurefarming.com/smart-farming/harvesting-sugar-cane-more-efficiently-with-ai-and-iot/.

•  IIT Kharagpur: An Indian institute that has developed devices for automating the planting of sugarcane buds and applying fungicide. The devices reduce the labour hours and raw material wastage and increase the yield and quality of sugarcanehttps://kgpchronicle.iitkgp.ac.in/iit-kharagpur-researchers-develop-automation-devices-for-profitable-sugarcane-plantation/.

•  ICAR: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research that has developed technologies for producing crystal jaggery and bottling sugarcane juice. The technologies involve machines for cutting, boiling, pasteurizing and bottling the sugarcane products. The technologies enhance the value addition and preservation of sugarcanehttps://aicrp.icar.gov.in/phet/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Jaggery-machinery.pdfhttps://aicrp.icar.gov.in/phet/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Jaggery_Process.pdf.

•  Springer: A publisher that has published a review article on the sensor-based technologies in sugarcane agriculture. The article covers the sensors used for monitoring and managing the soil, crop, fertilization, spraying and harvesting of sugarcane. The article also discusses the challenges and trends of integrating sensors with intelligent control systemshttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12355-022-01115-5.

•  MDPI: A publisher that has published a review article on the remote sensing applications in sugarcane cultivation. The article covers the use of satellite, aerial and drone imagery for estimating the sugarcane area, yield, quality, growth stages, diseases and pests. The article also covers the use of machine learning techniques for processing and analyzing the remote sensing datahttps://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/20/4040.



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