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Monday, 5 April 2021

Artificial Muscles Robotic Arm, Real Copy of Human Arm

 This robotic human arm is a copy from real one experienced in dissecting room. A group of young engineers form Poland and we want to use it a prosthesis arm and as a part of a humanoid robot. Construct solutions comes from real human anatomy, only ligaments was changed into hinges.

It is based on redesigned human skeleton bones. By using artificial muscles it's achieved soft tissued - natural looking structure of the forearm, and will cover it with skin. Being developing direct-nervous-interface to use this as dexterous and strong prosthesis hand. It is also our humanoid robot's forearm called Dude. The arm weights only 1kg and the powering electro-hydraulic unit weights 8kg. This is powered by water pressure 0,7MPa and electro-valves. The last time we constructed mini electro-throttle-valves to significally reduce thie size of powering system.

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