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Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Useing AI printing the organs and bio printing

Donors are difficult to find. Rochester Institute of Technology’s engineering department is researching new 3D printing techniques for health-care applications. With 3D printing, the capability to generate organs which are acceptable to the recipient are much larger. We may not be there yet, but we’re certainly working towards that direction. Here's how 3D printing can save money for patients and hospitals.

In this video, 3D bioprinting is a highly-advanced manufacturing platform that allow patients to have a customised organ fabricated specifically to replace their faulty ones. This could open a new world of possibilities for the medical field, while directly benefiting patients who need replacement organs. Let me share with you, new 3D Printing Organs Technology.

This video takes a look at the future of 3d printing when it comes to the human body. Sci-fi movies and TV shows such as The Expanse or Westworld, feature machines and devices that can build an injured person back up. But a lot of this tech is being developed today. Titanium is being used to replace body parts. And there are 3d bio printers that can 3d print human organs, human tissue, a skull, and much more - all using bioinks. There are also 3d printed prosthetics. Ones that are infusing robotics with arms and legs. And there are 3d printed prosthetics that are being connected to the internet to make them smart and high tech with added features. And a basic and DIY Neuralink brain to computer interface headset can be 3d printed and built at home.

The rising demand for bioprinting has fueled fresh innovation in the field. 🧐 The world of 3D printing is one of the most exciting sectors as well as one of the most practical and useful. 🙌 Printing human skin is the next step to evolving 3D printing. ⚡🦴 Watch the video to learn more about how printing human tissue will be possible with 3D bioprinting! 🎥 3D printing organs and implants from scratch are on the horizon! 🧠

Bio printing footage provided by College of Engineering, and heart valve footage provided by Regenerative Biomaterials Group, Carnegie Mellon University.

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