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Monday, 8 February 2021


 Zoom meeting with Albert Einstein is strictly based on the 100DaysOfCode Log by Dashiell Bark-Huss. It is a cool project with deep learning, deepfakes, using Avatarify. avatarify is an open-source “deepfake” program that you can use live on Zoom. For example, you can Zoom into your meeting as Einstein so people will take you seriously.

Yes, deepfakes have just taken yet another leap forwards, and as they get easier and cheaper to produce, in this case thanks to a developer who just simply used a photo Elon musk from the internet to create a good quality deepfake, just as Samsung showed off a while ago with their own deepfake tech, you can only expect more Elon Musk’s and celebs to turn up on more video calls.

Turning to the dark side though you might now also have to be on guard for your “boss” video calling you to get you to transfer vast sums of money to a dodgy Ukrainian bank account – a scam that this British energy CEO just fell victim to after he transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars at his “bosses” request after his real bosses voice got cloned.


I followed the instructions for installing avatarify on my mac and then I followed the instructions to run the Google Colab.

Make sure you’re doing the Colab in your own copy. I’m not sure how the Colab works, but I think it’s sort of like Google docs- if you make changes to the document, you changed it for everyone. So before you even start playing with the Colab you should copy to drive and run your copy of the Colab.

Remember to restart the terminal after installing miniconda before running bash scripts/install_mac.sh. Otherwise you could get an error: -bash: conda: command not found.

First, make sure you’re doing everything in your own version of the avatarify Colab. I’m not sure how Colab works, but I think it’s sort of like Google docs– if you make changes to the document, you changed it for everyone. So before you even start playing with the Colab you should copy to drive and run the Colab on your copy.

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