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Tuesday, 26 January 2021

What else is there besides Sofia in the Humanoid family

 You might be curious 🤨 if there’s anything else in the humanoids list that you can have a look at and probably compare with Sofia like humanoids. Let’s go through a few humanoids and see what they can do.

As humanity heads ever closer to the singularity, the technological advances in humanoid robots are starting to speed up. We might be a long way from Netflix’s Altered Carbon stylistic future, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not doing incredible things in engineering, artificial intelligence and robotic design.

Here’s what you need to know about the humanoid robots that will be making their ways into your schools, work and homes over the next decade.

The Actroid Acting robot

The first version of this android was in 2003, and since then the Actroid robot has got smarter and smarter. The design has become more realistic, the responses more human and machine learning and voicework means it can read a number of scripts and languages — it’s recommended for theatrical use! Smart sensors and actuators allow it to react to touch, and the different motors mean you can see it simulate breathing. Unlike many of the other robots, this one is available for rental (price TBC).

The Arisa Anime Robot Receptionist

This humanoid robot falls more into the manga category than humanoid with its purple hair and overly wide eyes, but there’s still something charming about it. It will come as no surprise to learn that its the creation of THK and Aruze Gaming, used for promotional work. Watch this space.

The Kodomoroid TV presenter

Named after the Japanese world for child ‘komodo’, this girl/woman hybrid was designed in Japan and can perform a number of simple tasks such as reading the news, and explaining scientific topics.She can speak in a number of voices and languages — including a male voice! — and motors in her body make her face move realistically when she speaks. Currently, she works at Tokyo’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation and you can get her to give you directions or read you the weather when you visit.

Mirai Madoka, Your Robot Receptionist

Created by Japanese robot-maker A-Lab, the friendly looking Mirai Madoka can speak three languages (English, Chinese, and Japanese) and can mover her eyes and lips. Not too much is known about her capabilities but she looks so lifelike I had to include her.

Jia Jia, Your future Employee Robot

Elegantly designed Jia Jia might look like the future of the workforce. The robot was created in China and is designed by researchers at Hefei university. It’s reported her design was modeled on five female  university students, so she’d be ‘attractive.’ She can blink, nod, and respond to questions, but her AI level does mean a number of delays. So, not that dissimilar from most bored receptionists, right?

Sophia The World’s First Robot Citizen

I’ve already told you about Sophia, the Audrey Hepburn styled robot that was dreamed up by Hanson Robotics. I’m sure she, and her future siblings/clones are only going to get smarter, cheaper and more widely available over the next few years.

Nina The Robot

The name Nina means ‘strong’ which seems a great fit for this ultra-cute robot. She might be human shaped but she definitely can’t ‘pass’ and for many, that’s what makes her so appealing. The little robot that could, rather than future Terminator-style takeover. Smarts wise, she can move her jaw, lips and has fifty motors that can be activated. Deep learning means she can self-correct from any missteps and is working on using eye contact as a communication device. She can also be controlled by an engineer who uses a VR headset to ‘step behind her eyes’ – a remote controller that is part of her training.

Arya The Robot Footballer

Watch our Ronaldo, you might be replaced soon. Created by a team at France’s Bordeaux University, this robot shows off its fine motor skills and foot play at the RoboCup 2017 event in Japan. No mention if the Game of Thrones reference was intentional or not, but Arya does have Faceless Man powers from her time at the House of Black and White, so just saying…

The Robot Baby

It’s fair to say this falls into the creepy category but this lifelike animatronic has a purpose to it. Created by a special effects company for an exhibition at the London Science Museum, the squirming, blinking baby is incredibly realistic — till you see the metal prongs coming out of its back. It has dozens of metal joints with a latex skin covering and is designed to be able to breathe (motors make the chest rise and fall) as well as move its legs and arms. Could be used for medical training and for parenting practice.

Saya the school teacher

This might be what your kid’s teachers look like in the future. With a teacher shortage, this could actually be a great idea. She can express surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness, and sadness.

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